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Marinette's P.O.V

   The room grows ever more silent at Lila's command, even the guards seem taken back (but keep a stoic face). I tense, eyes widening from the shock of current events. My body suddenly feels frigid and my trembles turn into full-on shaking.

The guards didn't hesitate much longer, readying their swords for a final attack. Neither of them wants to commit the deed in slaying both the blonde and me. Yet, they do not have a choice. It is either kill us...or them and their families. Another despicable and stupid rule by the "lovely mayor."

   I close my eyes, waiting upon the pain. My heart rapidly beats against my chest like it wants to break loose and run just as much as my feet do.

   I do not want to die but no one else is going to be willing to stand forth. No one would have defended the blonde male. They are all too afraid and cowardly. Yet, I do not blame them for such fears with how broken and messed up the laws are.

   Hopefully, my sacrifice will give Chat Noir enough time to escape. I hate leaving Tikki shortly after she lost a other holder. But we all have to play a part in this war.

   It is not like I will be mourned upon or missed...nobody has ever cared for me, anyway.


   I shoot my eyes open at the sound of metal against metal. I gasp, seeing the close proximity of two-weapon collide near my face. A sword that was about to pierce my skin is halted by a familiar baton, blocking the attack. I blink, letting what is happening process before glancing to my right.

   Chat Noir is in a protective stance, eyelids narrow with justice swimming in the color green. My mouth is left slightly agape, unbelieving of what I am seeing.

Chat Noir is protecting me.

But why?

I thought he hates the wealthy class?

"I think you need to get your priorities straightened," Chat Noir retorts, pushing back the guard. With a smirk, Chat Noir mockingly taunts the guards, "Would you ladies like to dance? This is a party, after all."

Clashing of weapons commences. I carefully watch, naming every sword fighting move in my head Chat Noir displays. The battle carries on for a little while when my arm is suddenly yanked on.

I stumble, somehow keeping on my feet. My mother I urging me to follow her while Chat Noir creates a perfect distraction for us to get away. Everyone is too focused on the fight (and probably placing bets on who will win) to focus on our escape. Though I could've sworn, I saw Lila watch us go and smirking about who knows what. I did not put much thought into it at the moment.

I follow mother out the doors we entered earlier, heading for our carriage parked outback. The coachman is holding open the carriage's door while father is sitting within it. Father stands up and offers a hand, helping mother and me into the horse-drawn transportation.

   "Are you two okay?" He asks, concern laced in his voice. I nod in confirmation while mother keeps quiet. She is rubbing the sides of her temples as a headache has formed.

   "Sabine?" father questions.

   "I am delightful," mother sarcastically replies.

   The carriage shakes, signaling our departure and movement from Lila's household. I watch it grow smaller and wonder how Chat Noir is doing. Did he get captured? I do not believe so, considering he is a fully-trained miraculous user. Plus, he is a very talented sword fighter. I am sure he can take down a few guards with ease.

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