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Marinette's P.O.V

My brain was scrambled but I managed to answer Alya's question.

   "Oh, I sometimes take the secret passageways to get to other places faster and to avoid certain people. I have been using them since I was a little girl. The other servants can vouch for me," I explained.

Alya raised an eyebrow, "Pardon for the misunderstanding. What I meant to ask was, why are you in these tunnels right now? Should you not be at your father's funeral?"

   "Yes...well, you see...the reason is quite simple...as to why I am in these tunnels and not at my father's wake..." I stalled as I tried to figure out an excuse.

   I could tell Alya the truth and say I am visiting a friend in the kitchen. Alya knows that I am close with the servants so it would not be so far-fetched.

   Yet, I wanted to keep this operation with Rose as low-key as possible. Alya might want to come along and I cannot risk the chance of her following.

   I did not want to place her in any unnecessary danger. I do not think I could bear the guilt of dragging someone into something they did not mean to get involved in.

   Alya's suspicion melted into one of sympathy.

   "Are you taking a break?" she questioned. I perked up as Alya just gave me a good answer.

   "Uh—y-yes. That is my reason," I agreed, "I am taking a breather."

   Alya smiled at me, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder, "There is no need to hide that. I understand that it is hard losing someone you care for and I do not believe the wealthy are very good at the mourning part at funerals."

   I chuckled a little. Alya was not wrong about that.

   "You are correct," I replied, "If you will excuse me, I think I am going to get a snack from the kitchen. I am not terribly a fan of what they are serving."

   Alya gave me a nod before I parted ways with her. I released a breath I did not realize I was holding. It felt like such a close call but I am glad that Alya did not notice me practically sweating. I thought I was done for a second there. I guess I am either good at hiding my true intentions or Alya leaps to conclusions.

   No matter. I do feel bad about the half-lie but it is for the best that she stays out of harm's way. It is not like she has any powers.

   I finally arrived at the kitchen and opened the door a little. I poked my head out, seeing the staff making their way around the kitchen in silence. They wore faces of sadness like many of the other servants.

   I spotted Rose placing snacks on trays.

   "Rose," I called, trying to only gain her attention, "Rose!"

   I was successful in getting her attention but not successful in only getting her to look. Some of the other cooks glanced my way and made their way over, giving me their condolences about my father.

As annoyed as I am and just want to talk with Rose, I could not be mad at the staff. I knew they meant well so I endured through it. After a few minutes, I managed to grab Rose's wrist and escape back into the tunnels. I released a sigh of relief, glad to have gotten away.

"You must be getting bombarded with sympathy over your father's passing," Rose commented.

"More or less," I muttered, "And as a way to get away from the so-called wealth's "sympathy," I came to see you for a break. You said there was something you learned about my mother?"

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