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Ladybug's P.O.V

I raced across the rooftops as fast as I possibly can. I wish I could have stayed and learned more about what happened. Yet, I had to get home right away. I have to return to the storage room I was in before Alya discovers that I am missing.

I do not want to get Alya into any trouble, considering what happened with Rose. Rose was at least shown a merciful punishment (for whatever reason). Who knows what my mother would do to Alya if she found out that my personal servant had misplaced me.

I checked the hallway to make sure it was empty before landing on the marble floor. I latched the window shut and swiftly entered the closet.

"Tikki, spots off," I ordered, detransforming back into my sleepwear. I caught the Kwami and gave her my remaining macaron. Tikki gladly took the treat and scarfed it down.

I dazed off into replaying moving images from the past. A feeling of uneasiness curled around me, recalling what happened within the house Akuma.

   The moment I stood under the chandelier, I could tell something was definitely off. It was too easy. I just did not see it coming until the very last moment.

   The shadow of a humanoid creature came out of the blue, trapping me in its hold and had painfully dug its claws into the right side of my face.

   Yet, it did not scare me as much as what happened after with Chat Noir.

   I watched him turn from a shaking leaf into a...savage beast.

Chat Noir is my partner and a...special person in my heart. I care deeply for that cat boy and know he would never harm me on purpose.

But I know I should not be feeling this specific kind of feeling. This feeling began when he turned into a wild animal.

Fear. I felt fear.

Chat Noir scared me as I watched him go at the shadow and thoughtlessly attack with no rhyme or reason. His main focus was that creature and nothing else. Not even my calls could break through his rampaging trance. I even tried to stop him and was almost hit every time I drew close.

Claws were viscously swung every which way and growls were exchanged between the enemies. The shadow was obviously not hurt but Chat Noir was a bloody mess.

Surprisingly, it seemed as if he was unfazed by the pain being inflicted on him. He received so many scratch wounds that it became too much for his body and the blood loss made him pass out.

It was terrifying. I was horrified by the sight of Chat Noir mauled nearly to death.

So, I used my last hope in winning the battle. My Lucky Charm. I had a tough time figuring out how to use the object. Chat Noir had been running low on time and the Akuma turned its target onto me.

Luckily, I regained my focus and won the day. I was correct about the Akuma being in the chandelier. Once the house disappeared, I grabbed Chat Noir and not-so-gracefully landed on a rooftop. I quickly purified the Akuma and fixed Paris before returning my attention to my unconscious partner.

   I was so relieved when he woke up and was acting normally again.

"You seem very lost in thought," Tikki commented, "What is on your mind?"

   "I am worried about Chat Noir is all," I admitted, "He was...not himself during the fight. Whatever that final shadow-creature thing was had set something off within Chat. Yet, he is not the only one who was affected. Rena Rouge was too."

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