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Alya's P.O.V

   I was not fast enough to get to the bunker when an Akuma spawned. No one had alerted me of its existence, having saved themselves and gone to take cover.

   I sat in my room writing, unaware of what was happening when the creature crashed through my window. The Akuma had spotted me but was distracted by the newest hero, Pegasus.

   I hurriedly made my way to the bunker as quickly as my feet could move. Yet, I did not make it. The Akuma had caught me. It managed to clear its obstacle out of its path to me. Pegasus is a new addition to the rebellion so he was not as skilled as the others were quite yet.

"Help!" I called out, wriggling in the Akuma's grasp. Why does it want me, anyway? Should it not be focused on the Paris heroes?

It looked quite creepy with the face of a tiki mask and many limbs produced from all around its oval-shaped body. It was like a freakish-looking, tropical spider.

The Akuma let out a chittering noise before breaking one of the stained-glass windows. The spider creature crawled out with me and went to the top of the mansion. I stopped trying to free myself and hung on instead.

"What is it planning on doing with me?" I thought, concerned. It cannot be anything good. Nothing good ever happens with Akumas, let alone anything in this city.

"Put me down this instant!" I hissed before rethinking my words, "But make sure we are within a good range of the ground that is vital!"

The Akuma did not acknowledge a single word I said and continued to the roof. Why was I trying to talk with a thing that acts so beastly? It is like talking to an actual spider. Of course, it would not understand me.

"Where are those ludicrous heroes?" I thought with a huff, "Why are they taking so long to save me?"

The Akuma and I made it to the top of the mansion, chittering as it scanned the area.

Suddenly, a flash of silver hit the monster in the face. The Akuma let out a snarl of agitation. Its attention was immediately drawn to Chat Noir standing on a different building with a smug smile. Next to the cat was the famous Ladybug.

This was the first time I have ever seen the two leaders of the heroes.

"Shelter!" I heard Carapace's voice yell. The familiar green turtle pattern formed around the Akuma and me, trapping us within the sphere. Even when I am still being held hostage, I felt relief seeing Carapace not far away.

"Venom!" the bee hero called upon her power. She was about to hit the Akuma with her power but it managed to hit her away. Vesperia went flying and hit Carapace's shield with a booming thud. I winced at the sound.

"Vesperia!" Carapace called with worry. It sent a knot in my stomach but I paid it no mind. This was not the time!

I watched as a portal opened and dragged an unconscious Vesperia inside it. Then, Ladybug and Chat Noir exited out along with Multimouse.

Multimouse split into many smaller versions of herself before distracting the monster. Ladybug began to wrap her yo-yo around the Akuma to trap its arms. Chat Noir went for the mask, dodging as many of the leftover flailing arms as he could.

"Cataclysm!" He shouted, nearly to the mask.

What about me?!

The Akuma must have thought protecting itself was more important than holding me. The creature let me go to fall. I yelled, my back hitting the roof and began to roll down the slant.

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