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Adrien's P.O.V

   I awoke to the sounds of screaming and crying. I shot up and looked for the danger.

   Yet, there was none.

   My attention was brought to the little girl crying on my makeshift bed. I grimaced when she suddenly let out a shriek. I had forgotten that I was caring for a young female for a while. My jumbled mind struggled to recall what all Polymouse said when babies cry.

   I picked up the baby and tried to smell for any uncleanliness. I learned my ability to smell is slightly more enhanced than a regular nose. Much to my fortune, I did not smell anything unpleasant. I tried to feed the little girl but she did not cooperate and continued wailing.

   Letting out a sigh, I cradled her and tried to think of another solution Polymouse told me.

   "Maybe I can...no, that will not work...or I could...negative..." I thought.

To my surprise, the room went silent. Snapping out of my hazy head, I glanced down at the little girl. She was fast asleep once again, snuggled into my chest.

   I felt my face flush in embarrassment. I am the leader of super-powered rebels, not a babysitter. Polymouse would be better equipped for this task than I ever will be.

But I admit...I do not dislike this as much as I thought I would.

   My knowledge of babies and children was far from knowledgeable. The most I know is they need changed, fed, and wake you up many times in the night. It did not sound pleasant when hearing mothers telling stories of their offspring, some worse than others.

   Yet, this was not as bad as I thought it would be. Shockingly, I quite enjoyed the close contact with the small human. I may be extremely tired at the moment but I did not mind.

   This little girl seemed to bring something out of me I never knew existed. Or maybe it was someone else who already brought it out of me without knowing.

   The baby softly snored in my arms, tiny hands mindlessly clenching and unclenching. I could not help smiling at the display before me. I lifted my free hand and let her grab my finger.

   "She is...quite adorable," I thought before everything came to a halt. I shook away my previous feelings and removed my finger from her grip.

   "No, I cannot get attached! This baby will be gone in a mere few hours, anyway. She will have a new home and family that will care for her. Once we find her one, at least," I said in my mind.

I do not understand how I even developed these feelings so quickly. Is this what actual loving fathers and mothers feel knowing their baby for only a few minutes after birth? How could I obtain those kinds of feelings for a baby not my own in such a short time?

No! I deny these feelings. I am not attached or anything, merely drawn in by the cuteness...I suppose.

   I returned the baby to my bed only for her to whine at the lost contact. I flinched and carefully cradled her again. How did she know something was amiss in her sleep?! Are her senses that elite or something?

   Letting out a sigh, I knew I was trapped. I made myself comfortable on my bed and placed her next to me. This was the only way we were both going to get any sleep.

   Before I knew it, I was out like a light.


   I woke up again. With a yawn, I checked to see the baby still sleeping soundly next to me. A good thing.

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