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Ladybug's P.O.V


That was all I could rasp out as my throat tightened and shook from shock. I could feel my chest constricting while white noise filled my ears. My skin grew cold but it was not from the weather. My hands trembled, vision tunneling in on the dying man a few feet away.

There was an awful pain piercing my heart like an animal tearing their prey to shreds. My mind was frazzled and couldn't think straight. I wondered why this was happening. Why couldn't I move to help? Where did he even come from?




   The elder man who gave me a chance to become a hero and achieve my lifelong dream. The one who kept his door open we seeked guidance and made a place for me on this team. This team I see as my true friends—my true family.

Fu has done so much for me—changed my life!

"No no no no no," I repeated, wishing this nightmare would end. I finally gained movement and hurried to Fu's side along with Alya.

"You are going to be okay. W-We can fix this," I stammered. I am unsure if what I was saying was true. Was I trying to reassure Fu? Was I trying to reassure my team? Was I in denial and trying to reassure myself?

As a response, Fu let an agonizing smile spread across his lips. He grasped my and Alya's hands. It did not take a genius to see that he was in excruciating pain. He was trying to be strong for our sake. His usual red shirt was growing a darker shade, pooling on the street below.

There was so much blood.

I have never seen so much—never knew there was this amount in a person. My stomach churned from the sight, wanting to release the contents of dinner. But I held it in. There was no time to have a weak stomach.

This was now or never.

Alya and I tried to stop the flow with part of Alya's dress she ripped off. Fu's breathing was ragged as he tried to speak.

"Save your energy," Alya told him, "We shall take you to Olympia to heal you. S-She can do it."

Fu shook his head, baffling me.

"It...is too...l...late for...me," Fu gasped out. I mouthed out more denial, not wanting this to be true. This could not be real. We need to call for help.

I quickly scrambled for my yoyo and searched for Pegasus. He could open a portal straight to a healer.

Then, a gentle touch rested on my knee.

Wise eyes locked with mine.

"Ladybug," Fu started, grunting when a shot of torment rocked his body, "...I...I pass on...the-the title of...Guardian...onto you."


"Master Fu, stop saying such nonsense! Y-You will be okay. M-Maybe, I can use my powers to heal you or we can get to that h-healer-"

"No...my child," he cut me off, "My time...has run out. I wrote...everything you...and Chat need to...to know in my...room."

   I did not want to believe this was farewell...but I had to face reality.

   Master Fu was dying and no power in the world could fix it.

   I am supposed to be the leader of the heroes and fix everything that is destroyed. But since my Lucky Charm was not used for the duration of Fu's fate...there was nothing I could do.

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