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Four years ago...

Rose's P.O.V

"May I have this dance, Lady Lavillant?"

I faced a male who looked around my age. He politely bowed and held out his hand. He was hoping I would seal his offer by placing my hand in his. Hoping to have a chance just like many of the other suitors to have the best lady out of all the Ladies of the Court.

Unfortunately, I am that lady—so I have heard through the rumor mill. They have even nicknamed me Princess of the Ladies.

   I would be a fantastic trophy wife for a male. Something for them to show off to other men that they have won a first-place prize in a competition.

  Very crude but I am determined to make my family name proud. I follow all the rules of a lady. I treat everyone with kindness (even if they do not deserve it). I keep our reputation in stunning shape.

   Yet...the hardest part about all of this is finding a suitor.

   At first, I assumed I was attracted to personalities and not looks. Maybe, the reason I do not like any of the male suitors is due to their awful behavior and big heads.

   None of that was the case.

   My problem had nothing to do with men.

   Instead, I began to see women in that light I was supposed to be seeing men in.

   There were a few I was drawn to without knowing why—even snobbish girls I found attractive. I did not understand why I felt such emotions towards women. It was very wrong and inappropriate. It went against the rules of a lady.

   I did not know such feelings existed until soul searching. I cannot help it though. I cannot help this one flaw that keeps me away from being a perfect lady.

   Was it truly a flaw though? Was it so bad to like the same gender?

   Unfortunately, it does not matter. I know what everyone will think. I cannot let anyone know or they will look upon me with disgust. Then, our family name will crumble and I will be sent to the poor section.

   I have to force myself to play along and like men. I have to push past my feelings—my boundaries—or...what was the point of all this? My whole life I have had the rules of a lady drilled into my head and spent endless days working up to this point.

   Everything I worked for would have been all for nothing. My life would have all been a waste of time and a lie. The mask I built over the years and hide behind would be thrown away like garbage.

   So...why does my heart want so badly to back out of the ways of a lady? My head knows these emotions are wrong even though they feel right. My mind and heart are at battle with each other.

   I smiled at the gentleman, "I am flattered by the kind offer but I wish not to dance at the moment."

He did not seem very pleased. The male scoffed and walked off, no longer interested in me.

"Was that the right thing to do?" I thought, knowing very well that my mother and father would not be pleased by my rejection. To tell the truth, that was the first time I have ever dismissed an offer to dance. I frowned, wondering if this decision will come back to haunt me later.


Brought out of my thoughts, my attention sought out the person who whispered my name. Around the corner of a nearby hallway, Marinette poked her head out and gestured for me to follow her.

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