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Chat Noir's P.O.V

I watched my female partner rush off in a frenzy. I raised an eyebrow at her strange behavior but shrugged it off. Ladybug does have her odd moments from time to time. I find it somewhat endearing how silly and serious she can be.

I stood up and stretched.

My eyes scanned the city for a little while longer before an idea came to mind. Should I...go visit that wealthy girl while I am here? I am pretty sure her mansion is not too far away.

I am trying to change my perspective on the rich folk. Maybe, talking to someone who still dwells in this section could help me understand a bit more about their life. A lot of the rejected children do not like talking about their old life, preferring to move on to that stage of their past living arrangement.

I did not completely understand why but knew enough not to linger on the topic. I would think living the rich life would be nothing but blissful. Not worrying about food, surviving each day without knowing what dangers will lie on the next, not having to worry about a board falling on their head from the rot, sickness...

The list goes on and on.

Instead of worrying, they party nearly every night (which I would find exhausting being around fake people constantly).

Yet, the high life may not be all that perfect either if everyone is trying to be perfect.

"I think I might visit her," I thought before going deeper into my mind, "I hope she is not busy or has a servant in her room. Although, it would be strange for a man clad in black leather to suddenly appear on her balcony if she has one. Of course, she might recognize me as one of Paris's heroes..."

Now, I am thinking this might not be such a good idea...

I hummed in thought before deciding I will watch from afar. Then, I will make my decision about whether I want to get closer or not.

I took out my baton and started to vault in the direction I assume her mansion is in.


Marinette's P.O.V

I wipe my sweaty hands on the skirt of my dress. I silently observed my parents and Gabriel Agreste converse with each other. I do not know why but there is a tense feeling in the air, making my stomach uncomfortably churn.

A man who rarely ever leaves his house, unless it is a big occasion, joined us for a simple meal. That just screams suspicious.

   "So, I heard rumors that you are going to release a new line of clothing to commemorate the loss of your family, Gabriel," mother started with a smile, "I find it very sweet to honor them after—oh, how many years has it been? Anyway, I just wanted to tell you how lovely I think it is to do it for their anniversary."

   Gabriel narrowed his eyes at my mother, displeased by the mention of his new clothing line. I shrunk a little in my seat. Even though his gaze wasn't directed at me, he is still a very intimidating man.

   I glanced over at dad to see him sitting just as stiff as me.

   I do not know how mother is not in the slightest frightened by the chilling male. Either, she is too oblivious to notice or she has a lot more backbone than I thought.

   "Yes," he responded, coldly, "the rumors are true."

   Mother clapped her hands together in joy, "How wonderful! I will have to obtain one of those outfits when they release!"

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