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Chat Noir's P.O.V

"What is it that you want?" I asked after landing on top of the Arc de Triomphe. Ladybug sat on the edge of the structure. She turned away from the view and over to me. She patted the empty spot next to her. I sighed, complying with Ladybug's offer and sat down beside her.

"Well," I urged, wanting to get this over with.

"I wanted to thank you," she finally spoke. I narrowed my eyes at her, annoyance beginning to simmer within me. My nose flared and teeth clenched tightly together. Is this all? All she wanted to do is thank me when she could have done so yesterday?!

"This was such a waste of time," I thought, bitterly.

"I want to thank you for saving my life and protecting me," she continued, "Rena told me you were the one who caught me when I fell from the building. Then, you protected me from that gremlin."

"It is my job," I heatedly replied.

"I understand that," Ladybug said before her tone of voice changed, "To be honest...I thought you were going to attack me."

My eyes widened, turning to look at her. She is staring out at Paris with a smile that did not fit her somewhat melancholy expression. I put on a blank-slated face, wondering why Ladybug would think such a thing. Sure, I dislike the very thought of her but I would do no such thing as to harm her.

"Why would you think I would hurt you?" I asked. Her smile turned into a grimace, images reflecting a past story through her eyes. She began to fiddle with her fingers. I slightly frowned at this reaction. What past events has this girl been through?

"It is a bit complicated," the spotted heroine answered before returning to the main topic, "You dislike me for reasons that are unknown to me. I could not help but think you would hit me for a moment. So, I also apologize for the misunderstanding."

I waved it off, "There is no need for that."

There is more I want to say, yet it sticks to my tongue. Instead, I follow with something else.

"Is that all you wanted to tell me?" I asked, earning some hesitation from Ladybug. She bit the bottom of her lip before standing up and walking a foot away from the edge.

"There is one thing I would like to ask from you," she said. I tilted my head, both intrigued and displeased of whatever she could want. Letting out a sigh through my nostrils, I asked, "What is it?"

"Can you teach me how to sword fight?" She asked.

I blinked for a second before letting out boisterous rounds of laughter. Tears began to form at the edges of my eyes and my stomach sore. Ladybug sword fighting? The idea is rather odd and ridiculous, especially when this Ladybug does not even know basic hand-to-hand combat. It is completely absurd!

  It has been a while since I laughed like this. To be honest, it feels very nice to finally find the tiniest amount of joy in such bleak times.

"What is so funny, Chat Noir?" Ladybug asked, venom laced in her voice. Her arms are crossed and glare is shot my way. I started to calm down before realizing she is being serious. I stopped my fit and stared at her stunned.

   "Wait, you are being serious?" I questioned.

   "Of course, I am being serious," Ladybug said in a huff. Then, her mood melted away into a calmer state, "Can you please teach me how to sword fight?"

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