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Marinette's P.O.V

   "Good morning, Lady Dupain-Cheng," Alya greeted with a sunny smile. I sat up in bed and rubbed the sleep from my eyes.

   "Good morning as well, Alya. What is on the schedule today?" I asked while untangling myself from my sheets and leaving my comfortable mattress.

   While Alya was searching for (bloody knows why) my specific outfit to wear today, she listed off today's schedule. Ever since the day I had awoken from unconsciousness, my days grew less packed with things to do and given more breaks throughout the day.

   This is fortunate for me to sneak away as Ladybug during the day. Most of the Akumas are usually roaming during the nighttime but there will be an occasional one in the middle of the day. Also, I can visit the poor section a little more.

   Yet, I have to be extremely careful. It feels as though the staff and my parents are keeping a closer eye on me nowadays.

   "Your fiancé shall be visiting today to go over your wedding's design with the planner," Alya said, catching my attention.

Luka is coming today. Another thing to worry over since the last time we saw each other. He was definitely acting strange but I cannot put my finger on what his deal is. I just get an ominous feeling every time he and his cousin visit.

From the way it sounds, Lila might not make an appearance. That is good. I was getting utterly tired of hearing her distasteful voice.

"Marinette, are you feeling alright?" Alya asked, snapping me out of my thoughts, "Should I tell Lady and Lord Dupain-Cheng you are not feeling well?"

"Yes, I am alright. Why would I not be?" I questioned.

"You had a nauseated look on your face," she answered, "Is there something wrong with your fiancé? I hear rumors from the household staff that he is a looker unless it is his personality that is revolting. I would not blame you on that one."

I snorted from Alya's perspective observation. She is a very intelligent woman. It is either that, or I am an open book.

I waved my hand in dismissal, "No no no. Luka is...well, not a terribly bad man, unlike the other rich bachelors. It is his cousin, Lila, who really steams my kettle."

"Ah, Lady Rossi," Alya said, placing out my outfit.

"Correct," I confirmed, "She is more of a deviant monster than the most threatening Akuma that ever existed."

"She sounds like a handful," Alya commented.

"Ha! It would take more than a hand with how unbearable she is," I huffed, sitting down at my vanity. Alya began brushing my hair.

I let out a sigh.

"I apologize for my angry fit," I spoke.

"There is no need for an apology. If you would like the ramble my ear off. I shall be here to listen," Alya replied.

"Still..." I trailed off, a bit guilty for releasing my grumpy behavior onto Alya.

"Marinette, we are friends. When I say I do not mind, I truly mean it," Alya genuinely said with a smile. I looked up at her through the mirror's reflection.

"We are friends?" I questioned, hope bubbling in my stomach.

"Of course, we are! Unless you would like to stay professional?" Alya questioned.

"No!" I quickly replied, "I would absolutely love to be friends with you!"

   My face flushed in embarrassment from my excessiveness, sounding almost desperate for a friend. I do have my teammates I consider my friends.

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