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Ladybug's P.O.V

"Attack from above!"

I block.

"Now, the side!"




Chat Noir and I are, once again, training for me to sword fight. I am finding it quite...difficult practicing when the only lighting I have is the dotting lamps in the streets below. Plus, Chat Noir's black suit is a perfect disguise in the nighttime cover. To put it shortly, I can hardly see anything!

He has managed to hit me a few times (not very hard) and constructively criticize what I did wrong. Yet, I am assuming he is getting frustrated having to repeat some explanations.

I try to attack but it only gives Chat Noir leverage. I stumble past him and feel his elbow bumping into my back, making me fall. The baton I was using slips from my grasp and slides across the roof.

"No no no," the blonde groans, "Were you watching my movements at all? That was a terrible timed attack."

I stand from the ground in a huff, wiping the dirt off my suit.

"No," I started, aggravation laced in my tone. I step on the end of my baton and it leaps up into my waiting hand.

"I can hardly see a foot in front of me. It is too dark out but I am sure you have no problems with your night vision."

Chat Noir blinks in realization. He looks around the city like he just noticed the change from day to night.

"So it is," he murmured. Chat Noir shrinks his half of the baton, "We will train another time. May I have my other half?"

I quickly hit him in the leg before handing over the other half of his weapon. A small smile settles on my face. He deserved that. Chat Noir shrinks it and combines the two parts back into one whole, reattaching it to his belt.

"I apologize. I did not realize how late it grew. I was not paying any attention," he said.

"It is okay," I reassure him, "Is there something on your mind?"

"Is there not always things on peoples' minds?" He asked, sitting on the edge. I next to him and roll my eyes.

"You know very well what I meant," I said.

"Well, do not take this in any offensive or hurtful way, but I still do not fully trust you enough to share anything," Chat told me. I will not lie, it does hurt. But I do understand we have not known each other for very long. I wish I could be someone trustworthy but it takes time. My bluebell eyes gaze up at the silvery moon.

"Then, I hope to become someone you can trust someday and be a perfect partner," I genuinely said, childishly swinging my feet back and forth (I definitely would get yelled at for such acts).

"Unfortunately for you, I am not looking for a perfect partner," Chat Noir said. I shoot a glare his way, about to give him an earful until he finished his thoughts.

"I want a good partner. A partner who lives up to no one's expectations or is egotistical."

   I pause, mouth slightly agape. I was not expecting that answer but I can agree with it on many levels. Perfection is impossible to live up to everyone's opinion. I have witnessed it firsthand on both sides of Paris.

   There are going to be people who will disagree with what we are trying to accomplish. There are those minding their own lives. Lastly, there are those cheering us on. It would be completely worthless and a waste of time to change the opinion of someone that has made up their mind.

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