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Ladybug's P.O.V

   "How may I assist you, my queen?" the bee Kwami asked politely.

   "Is there any way of transforming into the bee hero?" I asked, quickly. I only had a moment of distraction from the fortunate debris that fell before mother attacked again.

The bee Kwami must have noticed my urgency.

"Just say "Tikki and Pollen, unify." It will combine our powers but I must warn you-"

"Tikki and Pollen, unify!" I said. I will apologize for my rude and brash behavior later. There was not a moment to lose. Whatever the consequences of uniting miraculous powers, I will pay the price for it.

My suit shifted anew, combining the look of my ladybug suit with the bee. I could instantly feel the increase of power but my energy seeping away faster. Was this what Pollen was trying to warn me about?

"I will need to be quick," I thought. I prepared myself to fight as mother knocked off the planks that were on her.

Mother was infuriated. Her teeth clenched so tight that they might crack and a growl managed to emit through them. Her hands gripped her sword so hard that her knuckles turned ashen.

"Great, an angry mother means that I am a dead daughter," I sarcastically thought.

"You will take those wicked instruments off and return home this instant, young lady," mother commanded, "You were raised to be a proper woman, not a witch."

"I am home..." I told her, "...and I would rather be a witch than be like you."

I must have pulled mother's trigger. She shot towards me like a bullet, barreling with a mighty rage.

"Venom!" I called upon the bee's power just in the nick of time. Mother leaped at me with a raised sword. I punctured her directly on her chest with the nullification power and froze her in mid-flight. The sharp tip of her sword was inches away from my face.

I staggered back, releasing heavy breaths I did not realize I held. I had to lean on the nearest wall, feeling an enormous amount of my energy having been drained.

"That was almost too close," I thought, making my way out of the lady's changing room. I cannot take a break quite yet. Venom will only last so long. This will buy me some time to go help the others.

Plagg's P.O.V

I swooped down and over to the assassin frozen in mid-air. A snarl carved her features. Her body was in the middle of attacking and viscously about the plunge the sword into something.

I was not going to be here when she was released from venom. I would need to be hasty though.

I dove into her bag and scavenged for the stolen miraculous. They were buried with other assassin items that I had no knowledge of. Just some black spheres, some sort of pins, matches, an empty bottle, and some small boxes.

"What a bunch of junk," I scoffed, grabbing what I came here for. I had to unbury both miraculous separately due to how much stuff was in the bag. It made me wonder how this woman even fought with all this stuff weighing her down.

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