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Marinette's P.O.V

Just as I expected, the meal was going on the dreadful path I had predicted.

My mother and our "lovely" guests were having a delightful little chat about pretty much anything and everything about their successes (basically bragging about their status). I could tell both of them were trying to one-up the other in an odd polite war.

I stayed quiet, poking at my food and slouched in my chair in boredom. Throughout the meal, mother gave me stern side glances every so often for breaking probably about six proper lady rules. I honestly did not care and continued to toy with the peas on my plate.

My father sat at the head of the table and politely listened to the conversation. He tried many times to change the subject of virtue battling between Lila and my mother, only for it to return moments later.

I sighed, having the urge to make up an excuse and bail out of this terrible dinner arrangement. Yet, I stayed. The only thing that kept me glued to this seat was to wait for dessert to be served so I could feed Tikki.

"Have you ever been to the Panthéon? It is very exquisite and rich in history. I have been there quite a few times with Marinette to take the grand tours of the building," my mother bragged, taking a bite of mashed potatoes doused in gravy.

"Oh, yes!" Lila chirped, enthusiastically, "I have been there many times myself..."

I finally glanced up from my food to find something else to boringly look at. Though, it was tricky, considering I have been in this room a million times to eat meals. My gaze suddenly caught sight of Luka staring at me before giving a warm smile and a small wave.

I raised an unimpressed eyebrow before turning my attention elsewhere and ignored him. I was not going to be so easily fooled by small gestures like that.

Finally, my prayers were answered when the chef announced the coming of dessert. My dinner plate was replaced with a smaller one with a single piece of food on it. I perked up when noticing that it was one of my favorite desserts, a Choco Lava cake. I glanced over at my mother in suspicion before beginning to eat small bites of the sweet. When no one was looking, I tore some bite-sized pieces and sneakily gave them to Tikki.

"What an interesting dessert choice," Lila slickly spoke, earning a look from my mother, "It is...cute."

"Is there something wrong with the cake, dear?" my mother asked, hiding the venom in her voice.

"Oh, of course not," Lila responded, waving her hand before adding, "I was just expecting more of a...high-class kind of dessert instead of this kiddy treat."

I clutched my fork, wanting the throw the silverware at Lila's face and hope that it would make a puncture. Restraining my urge, I finished off the cake (with Tikki) and checked the clock. Much to my disappointment, it had only been an hour.

"This is going to be a long day," I thought, trying to figure out how to dismiss myself from this lunch.

Just as I was about to drown out the conversation of dominance, the door to the kitchen had opened. My eyes drifted over to see what else we were going to eat. I was slightly confused when seeing the drinks but what perked my interest was the maid serving them. The same maid that helped me prepare for this visit.

"What is she doing?" my mind pondered, watching as she placing overly fancy glasses of wine on the table for each person. I gandered over at my mother to see she seemed to be just as befuddled at the unplanned serving.

The maid finally made her way over to me, giving a wink and smile. I raised an eyebrow, preparing for whatever hidden plan she had up her sleeve. Suddenly, her foot caught on the back of my mother's chair and fell forward. The cup on the platter she was carrying, flew off. The contents held within the cup soon bathed me, drenching me in the bold red liquid.

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