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Ladybug's P.O.V

   I landed on the roof of our hideout and entered through the skylight. I did not think I would be back so soon. Yet, another Akuma has awakened. I am afraid that my and the team's emotions may be the cause of this monster.

   I shall deliver this little girl to a haven and then hurry back to battle.

   I moved the mat out of the way, finding the very bunker for emergencies. It is not the greatest protection but it was the best I have to use. Opening up the trapdoor, I found the elder lady from earlier sitting on the floor with a candle for light.

   "Ladybug!" she exclaimed before spotting the baby in my arms. Without a moment to waste, she held out her arms as a gesture to hand over the baby.

   "Give me the child. You need to hurry back to the battle and save the poor section," the elder woman said.

   I glanced between the woman and the baby. I was very hesitant and protective of this child. I felt that I now must protect this small girl and nobody else. But I could not let this feeling overbear me or control my thoughts.

   I know I can trust this woman to watch the baby.

   "Very well," I agreed, handing over the baby girl to the woman, "Just...please take care of her."

   "I will," she declared, "Now, hurry along."

   With that, I closed the trapdoor and recovered it with the mat. I leaped out of the skylight and headed for the destruction once again.


Eight years ago...

Master Fu's P.O.V

   "Master, are you sure she is to be chosen to bear the earring of creation?" Wayzz asked, floating nearby, "You heard what Lady Olympia had said."

   "Yes, I am aware," I responded, taking a sip of my tea. There was a knock on my door as I expected there to be soon.

"You may enter," I called. My door opened, revealing a young female with a ladybug-themed suit.

   "Well, hello," I greeted, giving Kagami a kind smile.

   "It was you, was it not? You are the one who gave me these earrings," Kagami said, pointing to the jewelry, "Why did you give a street rat these magical jewels? Were you unaware that I could have sold these on the market or used them for my own benefit? That was a foolish decision you made."

   "Have you?" I questioned. Kagami blinked in befuddlement, unknowing of what I am getting at.

   "Have I what?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

   "Have you done any of those things?" I specified. Kagami thinned her lips and shifted on her spot.

   "Well...no..." the young female answered.

   "Ah, then it seems that I did make a good choice," I stated. Kagami kept quiet, still thinking that I have lost all of my marbles.

   "I believe you are curious by nature but a warrior at heart. Once you found out about your earrings, your Kwami told you to come here to see me so you could find out more."

"Indeed," Kagami confirmed.

I gestured for her to sit on the empty seat and poured another cup of tea. Kagami wearily approached and sat down. I offered the cup of tea but she did not seem very trustworthy of anything that I was doing.

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