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Marinette's P.O.V

   "Spots off."

   My transformation fell. Tikki appeared and tiredly landed on the palm of my hand. The little Kwami settled as I grabbed her a cookie for her.

   We had just returned from the hideaway after visiting friends and the small darling we are temporarily caring for.

   I could not help the warm feeling blooming in my chest or the never-fading fond smile on my lips even in this cold, desolate place I call my house. The time spent with the Parisian heroes always brought joy into my life...especially Chat Noir. Just thinking about him made something flip in my stomach.

   "I am glad to see you happy, Marinette," Tikki said, "With everything that has happened recently, I am overjoyed to know that you are doing well."

   "It is all thanks to the miraculous rebels," I replied, "But I actually owe you and Master Fu a bigger thank you. This would not have happened if he had not chosen me and you would have not convinced me."

   "I appreciate the thank you but it is unneeded. My thank you is for accepting this role and fighting Hawkmoth. I do not believe I told you this, but Hawkmoth is in possession of two miraculous, the butterfly and peacock," Tikki explained.

   "Really?" I said in disbelief, "How did he get them?"

   "They were stolen a long time ago. An evil man who ruled Paris before the current ruler had wielded the peacock miraculous but the butterfly miraculous was active in secret. One day, the two miraculous mysteriously disappeared without a trace the very day the evil ruler was supposedly murdered. That is until years later when Hawkmoth made himself known," Tikki explained.

   "We believe that Hawkmoth killed the evil ruler and the one who wielded the butterfly miraculous. Or maybe it was the butterfly wielder who was Hawkmoth and killed the evil ruler. We do not have clear details as to what happened that day. I just hope that Nooroo and Duusu are okay."

   I assumed those were the names of the Kwamis that are currently at Hawkmoth's disposal. Now, a knot in my chest tightened at the thought of the poor Kwamis having spent years trapped in the clutches of terrible people.

   Those poor souls but no matter what...

   "How peculiar," I commented under my breath, "But it is no matter. We will retrieve those missing miraculous from Hawkmoth's evil clutches and return them rightfully where they belong. I promise you this. We will bring them home."

   ...we will get them back.

   Tikki's whole demeanor seemed to light up like a candle. She dropped the cookie and shot up to my cheek to hug it.

   "That means a lot, Marinette. Thank you," Tikki squealed. I carefully returned the hug.

   Tikki has always been so kind too just like the fellow rebels. I do hope that I can meet the other Kwamis one day along with the true people under the mask.

   Until then, I will fight and win this war for the sake of everyone, including the Kwamis. They deserved just as much happiness as the rest of us.

   A knock came from the door. I had a funny feeling I knew who awaited on the other side. A frown replaced my smile and the gentleness that gleamed in my eyes turned into bitterness.

   "Tikki, go hide," I told the Kwami. Tikki grabbed what was left of her cookie and flew behind my vanity's mirror.

   "You may enter," I called out.

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