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Ladybug's P.O.V

In front of me sat Bunnyx, who was too ashamed to look me in the eyes. She kept her face hidden in her knees as I narrowed my eyes at her. I crossed my arms, feeling anger boiling within me.

How could she let Master Fu sacrifice himself like that so willingly? Did she not care about him like the rest of the team? Was she really that cold-hearted?

I glanced over to Chat Noir, who kept a steely gaze on Gabriel Agreste for whatever reason. I wondered why we were here and what Gabriel had to do with anything. Yet, my focus at the moment is on the rabbit hero...if I can even call her so.

I am pretty sure that I was the only one that spotted the portal that Master Fu had come through. The portal that placed him in the perfect position for his death. There was only one miraculous that could precisely coordinate when Gabriel Agreste would have shot that gun.

The miraculous of time.

Bunnyx was well aware of what was going to happen. She foresaw so many outcomes of that moment but chose the one with Master Fu sacrificing himself.

Was there really no other way to avoid such horror of a friend's death?

The simmering rage within me began to cool down. I kept staring at Bunnyx. She had yet to pull her face away from its hiding place and her rabbit ears drooped. The tension in my shoulders loosened. My face softened just like my heart, now filled with sympathy.

Maybe...maybe there was not another way.

Maybe, Master Fu's sacrifice was supposed to be beneficial. Only Bunnyx would understand that. She is the only one that knows what will happen in the future—in the many futures with different scenarios.

The future is like a rapid, winding river that splits off into many directions and continues to do so the further it goes. But it would be unclear what is ahead. Nobody would know the path unless they have been down it.

Bunnyx must have seen all the potential choices and was forced to choose one even though she did not like it. This must have been a difficult decision to make. I could not imagine the high responsibility of handling such a powerful miraculous that can decide the fate of many.

Actually, maybe I do a little. Many people are relying on me to save the day. It can be very overwhelming.

I placed my back on the wall and slid down it, sitting next to Bunnyx. I extended my hand over, placing it on her shoulder. Bunnyx tensed, her grip tightening and tried to huddle more into herself.

My frown deepened. I could feel my heart cracking in remorse for my friend. I gulped down a lump in my throat before speaking.

"Bunnyx..." I gently began. Her rabbit ears twitched. A sign that she was listening. I squeezed her shoulder in comfort.

"...I am truly sorry that you had to make such a difficult decision. Was there really no other way of avoiding his death?" I asked, whispering my question so Chat Noir did not hear. Yet, he seemed way too focused on Gabriel.

Bunnyx finally lifted her head from her knees, revealing her blotchy, tear-stained cheeks. Her eyes were puffy and red from crying. She eased her knees away so she could use her hands to communicate.

It was hard to interpret with her hands shaking but I understood what she was saying.

"There was no other choice. I am deeply sorry," she signed.

   I could not help myself but wrap my arms around her and pull her close. Bunnyx was surprised at first but slowly returned the embrace and buried her face into my shoulder.

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