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Hawkmoth's P.O.V

I took in a deep breath through my nose before expelling a sigh out of my mouth. I could smell the negative energy in the air—practically taste it if I concentrated long enough.

"Yes, this is the moment I have long awaited for years," I said with a grin, "I can finally rid Paris of those rebels and seek my revenge."

I had better act fast if I am to accomplish my goals. I am sure some of the most powerful witches could sense that my time has come. I focused some of my energy into my hands, grabbing a wisp out of its realm and tainting its essence. The white, flaming orb turned a dark purple.

"Go, my little wisp. Turn their hearts black as night and their souls as dark as I have made you," I commanded, sending the wisp out the window and into Paris' sky.

"Soon, I will be the new ruler of Paris, just as my father before me," I proclaimed. I plucked a feather from my fan, admiring and readying it for its corruption.

"Your time has come to an end...Sabine Cheng."


Ladybug's P.O.V

"A darkness," I repeated before questioning her, "Who are you?"

"Juleka?" Chat questioned, having just entered the training room. He came over and cut the rope off of her. In the blink of an eye, mother's blade was at Chat Noir's throat. I jolted, nearly jumping forward to help Chat.

The blonde flinched away before grabbing his own weapon. He protectively extended an arm, keeping Juleka behind him.

"You fool! Why would you release the intruder? Has she placed a spell over you?" mother questioned, jumping to conclusions as usual.

"Calm down and lower your weapons," I cut into the middle of the blazing stares before acknowledging mother, "If she had those capabilities, do you not think she would have used it on us?"

Mother did as I asked, sheathing her sword. Chat Noir put his weapon away as well, not taking his eyes away from mother. I would not blame him for not trusting her and her tendency to point her weapon at someone's face at any given chance.

"Chat, would you so kindly explain who this is?" I requested.

"This is Juleka. She was a close friend of Master Fu and a friendly witch. She is very skilled in magic," he explained, emphasizing "friendly" directly at my glaring mother.

"But I am most shocked she is here. You are usually in hiding. Has something happened?"

"Chat, we are in incredible danger!" Juleka warned again, "There is something afoot. I can feel the magic's heaviness growing denser in darkness. Something big is coming."

"Can you elaborate on what it may be?" I asked.

"I do not know for certain but I have a feeling that this may be Hawkmoth's doing," Juleka answered, panicking, "He has to be stopped before it is too late!"

"Do you think you could track the energy?" Gabriel asked. I had almost forgotten he was here with how quiet he had been.

"Unfortunately, I am unable to without something of the person's I am tracking. I have never been quite skilled in that type of magic. I never had reason or interest in that type of sorcery," Juleka responded, sounding regretful for not doing so. If it was not clear in her voice, her face expressed just as much so.

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