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Marinette's P.O.V

"You look like you are in a better mood today," mother commented.

I hummed with hardly any acknowledgment and continued to write one of many blasted apology letters. Yet, it did nothing to damper my joy. Chat Noir is going to teach me how to sword fight! I am absolutely thrilled and have to continually remind myself to hold still.

My wrist begins to ache from writing so much and placed my writing utensil aside to take a break.

"What is the reason for it?" She asked, sitting on the chair in front of my desk and smiling. Her question caught me off-guard for a moment then narrowed my eyes suspiciously toward her. Why in the world would she care? Is she trying to keep tabs on me and make sure I am not causing more mischief?

The nerve of this woman...

I looked away from mother and sarcastically retorted, "Why would you want to know? So you can me feel miserable again."

I glanced over at her, seeing a look of hurt etched on her face. Brilliant. I know she is faking it to make me feel guilty but I will not fall for such trivial tricks. If she thinks I will obey her every command better by pretending to be nice, she is gravely mistaken. She can not control me. I would rather be kicked into the poor section than letting her wrap a finger around me.

"Of course not, dear," mother spoke, "I am just glad to see you happy. It seems like it has been ages since I have seen that beautiful smile."

"I wonder why," I muttered under my breath, rolling my eyes. I returned to writing apology letters, clearly giving mother the signal that I do not want to continue the conversation with her anymore. Mother did not receive the message.

"What did you have for breakfast this morning? My duties kept me too busy to join you. Oh, I hope I did not miss out on french toast! It is my favorite breakfast meal," mother chirped, smiling. I can feel my aggravation scrunch on my face and my hand tightening around the pencil.

"Mother," I started in a cold and steady voice, "I would like to finish my apology letters in peace. Do you mind letting me do so?"

This time, mother understood. It looked like she wanted to say something else but I shot a heated glare at her. She closed her slightly open mouth and nodded. Mother stood from her chair and silently left me alone in the room. I scoffed, shaking my head at the complete nonsense of my mother. She thinks that if she plays her cards right with me, I will willingly heed her every command.

I say boulder dash to that!

"Do you not think that was a little bit too cruel?" Tikki questioned, appearing from out of my gown's pocket.

"Cruel is an understatement for how she has treated me nearly my entire life," I seethed, placing aside the pencil again, "The maids were there for me more than my own parents were in my early years. Once I began to grow, mother finally took notice of me but mainly, what I was lacking—lady qualities."

    "It seemed like she was trying to make small talk with you. Maybe, she is changing her ways," the red bug stated.

   I scoffed, "I bet it was a trick. Right now, she is acting nice but once I start cooperating, she will use it against me. As much as I hate to admit it, my mother is clever and will do anything to get what she wants."

   Tikki's antennas drooped in sadness and frowned. She seemed unable to respond. I felt my body relax, shoulders slacking. Still, I do not need to take out my grumpiness on the Kwami. She is merely trying to help, which is sweet. I gave her a tiny smile and gently pet the top of her head.

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