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Eighteen years ago...

Gabriel's P.O.V

   I scanned my investigation wall for what felt like the hundredth time. The faces of possible suspects, pictures of places and objects to piece together clues of a puzzle, and locations Akumas appearing.

   If I can at least trace the area where Hawkmoth resides, then I can narrow down my suspects to one person who might quite possibly be the villain of Paris. I can send someone to spy on the suspect to see if my theory is correct.

   I am growing so close to discovering the identity of Hawkmoth.

   I have to defeat him and every other vermin possessing witchcraft. It is the only way I can protect my family.


   My attention averted away from the board and over at my lovely wife. She stood in the doorway with a look of concern, cradling our swaddled one-month-old son in her arms.

   He was the spitting image of his mother. He had dazzling emerald eyes and a little tuft of blonde hair.

   "Yes? Is there something the matter? Is Adrien okay?" I asked, feeling a wave of worry wash over me.

   Her concern faded into a small smile and tilted her head a little.

   "Why do you not take a break from your investigation? You have been obsessing over Hawkmoth since his first appearance. Why not come and spend some time with us?" Emilie suggested, nudging her head at the doorway.

   I glanced at the board before letting a sigh fall past my lips. She is right. I should probably take a break and be with my family. I can come back and work on this later.

   Besides, I am growing very close to finding out who Hawkmoth is anyway. It will not hurt to focus on my wife and son for a while.

   "Very well," I agreed. I looked over at the clock, seeing that it was nearly time for dinner.

   "Why do we not have a lovely picnic out in the garden?" I suggested. Emilie's smile brightened tenfold. Emilie absolutely loves the garden and enjoys having tea parties with her other lady friends in the gazebo.

   We would sometimes have picnics out in the garden for special occasions.

   "That sounds absolutely lovely! But what for? What is the special occasion?" Emilie questioned.

   I thoughtfully hummed and wrapped an arm around my beloved. We walked out of my office and down the hallway.

   "Maybe, we can celebrate my close discovery of Hawkmoth," I said, "I am very close to figuring out who he is."

   "Really? That is wonderful news," Emilie chirped before turning to Adrien, "Did you hear that, my little kitten? Your papa is close to finding the bad man."

   Adrien just stared at Emilie before giving her a gummy smile. A warmth swelled in my chest at the sight of the two best people in my life.

   I placed a kiss on the side of Emilie's temple and fondly brushed my digit across my child's soft cheek.

   I would do anything to protect them from harm if it means we can continue having moments like this.


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