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Four years ago...

Alya's P.O.V

   The monster leaped on top of the railing and perched on it like a bird. Its face split apart to reveal a circular-shaped mouth with a row of rotating teeth. It screeched, some of its spit flying onto my face. I would have complained about how gross it was if I was not in this situation.

"Somebody help!" I called out, terrified.

   I do not know why I would even bother to do such a thing though. It does not matter how much I scream or plead, nobody is coming.

   We have not hired any guards or staff. Not even the neighboring guards and staff would lift a finger to help me. My family cares more about their own well-being and reputation than me.

   If I were to die here and now, it would mean nothing to them.

   They still had daughters they can marry off. Losing one out of their four children would not make a difference.

   I am only but a simple drop of water in the ocean.

   That is all I will ever be.

   Nobody will care or even notice my absence. It is not like anyone notices it while I am living. The only way I can get attention is if I cause mischief.

   Maybe, this is my punishment for all the trouble I caused. We might have never moved here if I had not made our name bad in Italy.

   Now, I am paying the consequences for my actions.

   The monster's tongue slithered out its mouth and extended to an unbelievable length. Suddenly, the tongue shot at me. Out of instinct, I let go so the slimy thing would not touch me.

   I screamed as I fell, hardly able to hear a sound coming out of my mouth due to the air rushing past my ears. I watched the tongue extend after me.

   I was either going to die being eaten or splattering on the stone ground below.

   I know it was worthless to do so but I braced for impact. If I survive the fall, I would be unable to escape the monster's grimy claws due to severe injuries. I would be an easy meal.

   The best way I was going to die a painless death would be to knock myself out and instantly die on impact.

   I relaxed and no longer braced myself.

   This was the only way.

   I was falling from a four-story height. That should do the trick.

   I was not expecting something to collide into me and hold me close. I coiled my arms around whoever caught me so as to not fall. Once we safely landed on the ground, my savior called out, "Shelter!"

   A turtle-patterned dome built itself around us. The monster's tongue hardly a second later crashed into the barrier with a loud "thud." The creature cried out in frustration before something distracted it.

   Yet, I could only stare in astonishment at my turtle-themed savior. My mind was still abuzz and running on adrenaline. It was hard to wrap my thoughts around what all just happened in less than a minute (or felt like less than one).

   The turtle boy smiled down at me.

   "Are you alright?" he asked, gently. I blinked, unable to think of anything to say so I just nodded.

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