chapter 68

483 34 8

(continuing hyunjin's past)

"Disgusting" this word shocked the both persons in the room. Nancy moved to me and lifted my head up by gripping her nails in my hair.

"Really now? Let's see who people would be disgusted with" she narrowed her eyes at me before pushing my head down again.

"What are you saying Nancy? He'll tell everyone about us! Are you serious now?" Nathan was filled with anger that he might snap and rape her again.

"There is no proof with him old man" Nancy said smirking.

"But rumours still won't stop. They believe these rumours than actual proof Nancy" he said patiently tapping his foot on floor continuously. It's annoying really.

"Say.. that friend of yours, he's still here right old man?" She said while smirking like some real slut.

And the next thing i know was that they both left hurriedly. Not bothered by my blood. I slowly got up after a long time holding my stomach and I dragged myself to my place.

The next day I went to school everyone was discussing about me. Giving me disgusted looked and glares. This is creepy, really. Even teachers are acting weirdly with me now. And i didn't see Nancy anywhere from this morning.

"He's that guy?" Some girl mumbled to her friend trying to keep it down.

"Who would've thought he's such a slut?"
"And then he raped Nancy to shut her up with his dirty secret!!"
"I know he used his body to win the award!! I mean it's obvious!"
"But his dance was better than Nancy's tho-" the one boy who tried to talk on my side was cut off by his friend.
"What? Of course Nancy's was better!"
"There is a rumour that he even slept with one of the judges!!"

What are they talking about? It's Nancy who did that dirty thing! Not me!!! What kind of crazy shit is this?

I spotted nancy who is crying while sitting with her friends. Her friends are trying to comfort her. I rolled my eyes and dashed towards her.

"Nancy!! Would you explain what is going on here??" I asked at her right in front of everyone. She flinched like she's afraid of me.

"Don't act clueless hyunjin!" Her friend stood in front of nancy. I frowned in confusion. What kind of bullshit did she tell them?

"You bullied her and threatened her about your secret! That's awful" a guy yelled who is holding nancy closely, basically she's on his lap. Hah! She's really a slut and what's with this secret? That I'm an orphan? Everyone already knows that.

"What can we even expect from a parentless guy like you?" I froze with the mention of my parents. Whenever they're mentioned, it all comes back. My mother's letter, how they never wanted me.

"My parents, my life is none of your business. Just what are these rumours?" I said with low voice. Damn it. Every single time my parents are mentioned I'll lose all my voice. They make me feel worthless. They make me like I'm some sin, i shouldn't be living right now.

"You wouldn't be a jerk if someone raised you well or maybe they left you knowing that you'd be a jerk" nancy started crying again. More hardly this time. This is annoying. I didn't do any wrong, why should bare with this shit. Then I remembered someone mentioning about me raping her?

"Do you have any idea what you're blaming me for? You're making me a rapist? Seriously? I hate touching people. Nancy what makes you think I'll just shut up when you blame me with such nasty thing?" I said narrowing my eyes at her. I won't give up. Blaming that I forced myself on her , complete nonsense.

Emptiness (Hyunlix)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon