chapter 35

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Hyunjin pov

Never thought I would see this angel first thing in the morning. He is sleeping like a baby after eating me like a literal demon.

His duality is fucking crazy.

How can he be so perfect. Those doe eyes and button nose...heart shaped lips and......


His blue hair is making him look even more angelic. Like did he come out of heaven or what???!

This is the first time I didn't wake up from nightmares. Jisung was always worried about my nightmares. Every single night I will wake up sweating and breathing heavily, jisung said I even yell and cry sometimes. I can't stop it tho. I've been having them since high school.

At least I have jisung with me right now to wake me up from those horrible dreams. Before that I used to cry and shout all night no one beside me. No one cared. But right now felix is hugging me so tight bringing me so close to him.

I want to be in his embrace forever. Whenever he does this I feel like there is someone who cares for me in this world. I feel like I'm not alone. That I'm important to someone.

Thank you felix for making me feel like this at least once. Never in my life I thought I will experience this feeling towards someone. I will try to hold on to you as long as I can.

Even though you're perfect there is no scar on you and your the light for everyone and I'm complete opposite of you. My life is a mess. I will only be a burden to you.

'But still I want to be with you'

I don't even know how to show affection to someone. How will I ever be that person for you?

'But still I want to love you'


What is love....?

No one ever loved me. I didn't have someone that i loved too. How will i know how to love you?

I feel so safe with you.
I feel like your only person in my life that actually care for me for who I am.
You're an angel in my life.

How can I not fall for you?

I always told myself you're just a normal crush because you were nice to me.

But what I'm feeling for you....I don't think it's just a crush anymore.

It's more. Not some happy crush feelings. You are the only person I will ever do this with. You make me feel complete. Like I'm not some mistake.

Gosh this feeling.....

'I think I'm in love with you felix'

My breathing stopped for a second. My heart is beating so fast that might wake felix up. The realisation is fucking insane. I mean I've always felt like this.

I have no idea why it took me so long to realise.
I fucking can't believe I didn't realise until he slammed his dick inside me. Just fucking great.

'I love you felix'

"What should I do now?" I whispered figuring out what I just realised. I don't know what to do.

I kissed his forehead and closed my eyes leaning my forehead on his.

Felix pov

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