chapter 48

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Hyunjin pov

I opened my eyes just to see the angel sleeping soundly next to me.

I smiled just by looking at him sleeping peacefully after wrecking me like this. I stroked his cheeks they look so fluffy in the morning. His heart shaped lips formed a pout. This adorable demon.

"You're Cute" I blurted out without thinking.

"I'm cute?" He said while smiling and his eyes are still closed.

"Huh? Since when are you awake?!why do you always do this? Not again..." I quickly removed my hand from his face.

"Ever since you were admiring me darling" felix said and he opened his eye while smiling cutely at me. The same cocky answer as always.

"So Cute..." fuck I said it again. Shit what is wrong with me?!!

"Again? I'm cute?" Felix said. God I'm so embarrassed for sprouting this out of nowhere.

"What's cute?" He asked me while moving his face closer to mine.

"Huh?" I asked him dumbly.

"Well I'm curious what exactly is cute?" He said while smiling shyly.

What the fuck. I thought he was teasing me? Now he is acting all smiley and shy?

Should I say something? Since I already started to screw up why don't I finish it and fuck it all?

"Um well everything" I looked only at his eyes and nothing else.

"H-huh? Wh-What!?" His eyes widened and I can see his cheeks turning red. Is he embarrassed that I called him cute instead of hot or sexy?

"Just everything about you is cute felix" I said this with a straight face like how can I say this so normally!!

How the fuck I got this bold? This is impossible for an awkward guy like me! Why am I like this with Felix?

"Just everything huh.. gosh your making me shy jinnie.." he said while blushing.

And Here I thought he can't get anymore cuter. My heart is beating like a drum with how adorable this guy is.

"I-i *ahem* well don't act like you've never heard that before. Almost everyone calls you that" I rolled my eyes acting like I was annoyed.

"I feel like this cuz it's you who is saying this" he said while still blushing and smiling. He is behaving like a High school girl who is talking to her crush for the 1st time, being nervous and shy.

"Y-you better stop with that flirting felix. Seriously your duality will kill me soon. One second your cute and then next second you're like a devil" I said while trying to sit up to get away from my that little cute player.

But only fell back cuz of the pain. God he isn't joking about fucking me until i can't walk. Forget about walking I can't even sit straight.

"Ugh this fucking hurts. What are you looking at? I have to shower carry me to bathroom" I glared at felix.

"Naurr i want to sleep more. I'm still tired jinnieee" he whined and snuggled closer to me.

"Oh Boy I'm the one who got rammed and my body is stinging cuz of you're bitting!! I can't even sit straight you animal-" he cut me off by kissing me again.

"Y-you how many times are you gonna kiss me?" I glared at him.

"I can never get enough of your lips" he giggled cutely again.

"But I'm tired cuz I cleaned you and all the mess we did yesterday and I also carried you here!! By the time we got to your room it was already 4 am!! So let's sleep a bit please jinnieeee" Only then I noticed that we're in my room on my bed. Not in little surprise felix made on roof. Well now I'm guilty he had to do that all clean up alone but it's his fault for going 2 rounds anyway.

"Fine only one hour" I strictly said to him.

"You're the best jinnie" he chuckled and pulled me closer to him. We went back to sleeping again.

Felix pov

Thank god I cleaned up everything last night and we also just showered before jisung got here. We just got out of the shower and watched Netflix when jisung got here.

I expected him to spend the day with minho hyung but I see he is still worried about hyunjin.

Just what in the world hyunjin did to make jisung worry like this??

"Did you spent the night here lix?" Jisung asked me while raising his eyebrow up.

"Uh- yeah it got pretty late after begging hyunjin to go out and eat with me. I was tired so I just slept over" I managed to lie even though I don't think jisung would buy it but it's a reasonable lie since this is hyunjin we're talking about.

"Okay then? By the way hyunjin did you eat anything this morning?" Jisung glared at hyunjin while asking.

"Jisung I'm not a kid. Of course I ate ask felix If you don't believe me, he made pancakes this morning" hyunjin said jisung.

Yep I made them while hyunjin was showering. And he liked it. He ate like a little kid who got his fav food that he asked his mom to make.

"Fine let me join your movie time now" jisung said and self-invited himself.

We three spent the whole day doing silly things like this. We played video games for some time then danced to music jisung played. It was fun. And I think Hyunjin is not gloomy anymore. I mean he is not fully happy but at least he isn't faking a smile, I can tell this much.

"Lix when are you leaving to Australia? It's December already! Aren't you excited to go home after a year?" jisung asked me while eating ramen that I made for all three of us.

"Excited?!" I blurted out.

"Yea! Last year you were bawling your eyes out that you can finally meet your family" jisung teased me by reminding me how I cried that day.

"Well that was my first time staying apart from my family so long!! And I didn't know korean that well at that time if it weren't for chan and Minho hyung helping me out i would've dropped out" I said to jisung.

"Common don't cry again now, I was just kidding crybaby" jisung teased me again.

"Son of a- you know what nevermind. You should be thankful that you got to spend the night with Minho hyung cuz of me" i smirked at him.

"Huh?? That got nothing to do with this!! Anyways seriously what's your plan lix?" He got serious all of sudden. Is it just me or does jisung really not want me to change the topic?

Something isn't right? Wait why is hyunjin so quite?-

No way....

No fucking way.....

Then I saw jisung smirking at me. This son of a bitch I will kill him one day.

Jisung you fucker!!! What are you planning now?? Why is hyunjin all sad suddenly?? I fucking don't understand?!!

We were fine till now. We were having fun until you asked about my home-


Don't tell me...

'jinnie..he...why is he looking at me like that?'

'jinnie why do you have such a vulnerable expression on your face now?'

I widened my eyes at the sudden realisation. What in the fucking shit my brain is thinking?? There is no way what I'm thinking is right!!

There is no way hyunjin... hyunjin is sad cuz I'm going to Australia for holidays?

That's the most stupid thing I've ever thought in my life.

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