Wedding Ring 2

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--Fluff version<3


As they settled into the comforting embrace of their bed, the soft glow of moonlight filtered through the curtains, casting a gentle luminance over the room. Chuuya lay beside Dazai, their bodies molded together in a familiar intimacy that spoke volumes of their love.

Unable to find rest, Dazai's restless fingers sought solace in the familiar touch of Chuuya's hand. With a delicate touch, he traced the contours of Chuuya's fingers, his touch feather-light against the warmth of his skin.

Chuuya watched him with a soft smile, his eyes alight with affection as he allowed Dazai to play with his fingers. The simple gesture brought a sense of peace to their shared space, a silent reassurance of their bond that transcended words.

With each gentle caress, Dazai's fingers danced over Chuuya's hand, lingering over the cool metal of their wedding rings. His touch was tender, reverent almost, as if each movement was an unspoken declaration of his love and devotion.

Chuuya's heart swelled with warmth at the sight, his gaze softening as he reached out to cup Dazai's cheek, guiding his gaze to meet his own. In that moment, as their eyes locked in a silent exchange, they shared a silent understanding that spoke volumes of their unbreakable connection.

And as they lay entwined in each other's embrace, their fingers intertwined in a silent promise of love, they knew that no matter what trials lay ahead, they would face them together, hand in hand, forever bound by the unbreakable bond of their love.

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