The Haunting

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I'd been bored out of my mind for the past week. Elijah hadn't contacted me yet, so I didn't know when I'd be able to set foot out of my house again. Shadow, Stefan and Damon agreed it would be more safe to just stick to staying at home, so I couldn't go to Jeremy's anymore. I protested against it, but I didn't really have a say in the matter.

Jeremy came and visited me, but he had school so he couldn't be here all the time.

I had gotten so bored that I was in the livingroom, meditating while sitting in mid-air.

I heard someone enter the room.

"What are you doing?" Damon asked.

"Trying to meditate in hopes of getting rid of my boredness," I said, not opening my eyes.

"Seriously?" he asked.

"Yes," I said. "Being stuck here has driven me to the point of boredom that I have taken up meditating. Now hush, you're destracting me."

"There are so many better ways to spend your time," he said.

"Really?" I asked. I opened my eyes and saw him standing across the other side of the room, with a bottle of alcohol in his hand. "Like what?"

"Drinking away the boredom," he said.

"Yeah," I said. "I did that the first three days. There's like no alcohol left in this house. Maybe if you just let me go to the Grill for an hour maybe. You can come to make sure I'm okay."

"No," he said.

"Oh come on," I said. "Damon you break rules all the time. You're my breaking rules buddy."

"Not when it could get you killed," he said.

I sighed, and tried meditating again. I gave up after ten seconds.

"You're right," I said. "I'm sticking to alcohol."

I dropped to the ground and landed in a crouch.

I walked over to Damon and took the bottle off him.

Around two hours later, music was playing at full bull and the base was vibrating the floor.

I was a tad bit drunk, but I wasn't running around naked yet, so that was a good sign.

"Sometimes I wish a was a zebra," I said. I was standing on the coffee table dancing. "They're just so chill. And they're not racist. They're black and white."

"Yeah, I guess," Damon said. "I'd rather be a vampire though. People get scared when we show our fangs."

As if to proove a point, veins started to appear around his eyes and two sharp fangs stood out in his mouth.

"You know what's fun?" I asked. "Running up walls."

I ran at the wall, jumped and kept on running up the wall, using the earth to stop me from falling. I didn't stop until I was standing upside down on the ceiling.

"You are a very random drunk," Damon said, looking up at me. "When I get drunk, sure I'm alot of fun, but you, you do some of the craziest things. Like that time you stood naked on the Statue of Liberty screaming that the leprechauns were trying to steel your saltanas. When I'm drunk I can at least keep my sanity."

"You're missing a very big point here," I said. "I had no sanity to begin with."

I heard a door open and close.

"I think Stefan's home," Damon said.

"I'm not here," I whispered.

He nodded.

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