Evil People Chasing Bunnies

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I could tell Damon wanted to walk over to Jeremy and say something. It was in his nature.

"Don't Damon," I said. "There's no point."

Damon sighed, but stayed seated.

"I'm sorry Marni, I shouldn't have brought you here," he said.

"It's not your fault," I said. "And besides, I may as well start getting used to seeing him around in public."

"Look, I'm going to go get a drink, you want anything?" he asked.

I shook my head. I was determined to focus on anything other than the fact that Jeremy was here, so I picked up a napkin and started tearing it to shreds.

"Let me guess," a familiar voice said. "The napkin insulted your wallet?"

I looked up and saw Stefan sitting where Damon had been a minute ago.

"Not exactly," I sighed, not in the mood to come up with one of my amazingly epic comebacks.

"I heard about what happened," he said quietly. "How are you holding up?"

"I'm absolutely fantastic Stefan," I said, sarcastically. "I'm so happy I'm even considering wearing the colour yellow."

"Sorry," he said. "I guess that was a stupid question."

"No, I'm sorry," I sighed. "I'm not in a very nice mood at the moment."

"It's fine," he said. "You have a good reason."

"You're sitting in Damon's seat by the way," I said. "You're taking a pretty big risk. If he comes back, there's sure to be a fight."

"Actually, he's at the bar talking to Elena," he said.

I looked up, and sure enough, Damon and Elena were at the bar talking. I noticed that their eyes kept flickering in my direction.

"I can't imagine what they could possible be talking about," I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

"They're just worried about you," he said.

I looked up at Stefan and raised an eyebrow. "Are you actually defending Damon?"

"We decided to put our differences aside for your sake," he said. "We know us fighting isn't making this any easier for you."

"Well, at least I know next time you guys fight, all I have to do is get my heart ripped out," I said bitterly.

"You do know Jeremy's pretty upset too, right?" Stefan asked.

"Well, obviously he didn't want to be with me, so why should he be?" I asked.

"Marni, he broke up with you because he didn't think he deserved you, and that you would get bored with him after a while and move onto someone who's supernatural," Stefan said.

"What, have you guys been having little break up talks with eachother or something?" I muttered.

"No, but I did talk to him about it," he said.

"Well then he obviously forgot to mention the part about how he doesn't like me that way anymore," I practically hissed.

"Marni, you can't get over your feelings for someone that quickly," he said. "He probably does still love you, but he thinks it's for the best."

"Yes, well there's no point in us talking about it, because what's done is done," I muttered.

I fixed my glare on an empty glass that sat infront of me on the table. Without warning, the glass shattered.

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