Rain Kisses

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Short Oneshot

Brianna Pov

I instantly knew that Preston was the one ever since I met him. We're just driving back home from our "date" until we stopped by a cliff. He dragged me to the tree and sat there, looked at the stars as we talk. They were beautiful. We stared at each other and looked back at the stars. He moved closer and he placed his arm around me, keeping me warm and comfortable. He placed his lips onto mine and it was the most romantic moment I ever had.

There was a slight breeze, a cold one. He looked at me, and I looked at him. Then I felt a rain drop on my cheek. I looked up and it started pouring. We ran to the car as he covered me with his hoodie. By the time we're in the car we're soaking wet. We started to laugh. He leaned in and brushed my hair back. For the first time ever he kissed me I knew he waited for it. It's not on the cheek this time it's in my lips, it was delight, it felt sweet.

"Uhh, Sorry I shouldn't have done that" He said rubbing his head in embarrassment. As he looked at me remembering what happened earlier.

"No, no, no, no, no... it's okay... I-i liked it" I smiled

He brought his eyes back at me. He Smile and  We kissed again after that he gripped the steering wheel driving us back home.

250 words

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