Doctor Visit

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Brianna Pov

" So.. when did the coughing start?" Our family doctor asked with a polite voice as he open Matteo's Medical records on her desktop screen as she avert her eyes towards me. "It has been going on for three days.. At first we thought it would be just a small flu like he had before so we weren't that concerned yet but the high fever kept going and now diarrhea and he had just lost his appetite.. I'm afraid that it's something serious." I whispered as I focused on Matteo resting on Preston's lap, with his dampened hair from the fever and eyes mixing up between opening and closing... none of us had gotten any sleep for the last day. Preston had been constantly awake to watch Matteo and he couldn't stay awake for any longer. So I took the shift and sat there with him as I try to shush him from crying..

"I don't think there's anything to worry about. All I'm gonna do us check his temperature and breathing and see what I can do and if its what I think I'm sure we can cure it with some meds. She said as she place the stethoscope placed it in her ears and moved up Matteo's shirt.

She started to listen to his breathing as the room got filled with silence...

Just like I predicted. The breathing problem, fever, and the weakness he shows. Is caused from a bacterial pneumonia. He going to feel this way for 2-4 weeks but try to keep him warm and try to increase water intake and make sure he gets his medicine... he'll be fine within time. She started to type on her medical journal As I let out a breath of relief. Soo I've made this prescription for you guys, you can pick out the medicine downstairs at the pharmacy.  We both stood up as i hand Preston the prescription and him handing me Matteo as i try to put him to sleep..

"By the way how's the foot Preston?" She asked noticing his ability to walk without crutches or help cause last week he got into some kind of accident leading to breaking his leg. "Uhh. It's doing well now. I returned the crutches last Sunday so it's nice to walk on my own again." He said in a polite voice and shook the doctor's hand mumbling goodbye before we both headed out on the hallway..

"Oh my God.." I sniffled as soon were both alone and the tears started to slip down on my cheeks.. "Hey don't be sad. He's gonna be fine." Preston reassure. Embracing me with his free arm and placed a soft peck on my forehead. " I know it only makes you even a better mother than you already are. Crying because your son's sick isn't ridiculous, it's shows how much he really  means to you" Preston said as he removed the last tear falling with his thumb, gazing down with a warm smile before we head towards the stroller and ready to head over to get medicine and home..

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