Sweet Babies 1

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Jasmine lost her teddy and couldn't find it / Preston as a popular youtuber

Jasmine, baby it's bed time

No response..

Jasmine! Come on baby... you need to go to sleep

Still none

Sighing... I walked downstairs knowing that our youngest child had been playing in our room. I walked in our room and saw Jasmine sitting in the middle of the room scratching her eyes out.

Jasmine! I gasped jumping to the floor next to the kid. Baby are you okay? Did you get hurt?

N-no Jasmine said sniffling

Then what's wrong baby why are you crying, sweetheart

I can't find my teddy, he... he's missing mommy. Jasmine sobbed.

Oh no... I thought. Preston had give that bear since on the day she was born. Since that it had been Jasmine's companion with out it she wouldn't sleep or even eat. Or stop crying for what matter.

Where was the last place you had teddy? I inquired he softly as I brushed back some of her hair. Do you remember?

At lunch. Jasmine murmurs

With daddy? My eyes widened and Jasmine nodded in response. Did you left him in the restaurant baby?

I fink so.. Jasmine rubbed  her eyes

Groaning I stood up and went to the kitchen as if  Preston was there finishing up some paperworks.

We have a problem! I announced behind Preston.

What's up? He asked I really gotta finish this work.

No... it's a big problem. Preston sighed and turned around to face me.

What is it?

Jasmine doesn't have her bear. She left it the the lunch today.

Please tell me your kidding. Preston frowned after a moment of silence. I shooked my head in response of no. What are we going to do?

We gotta get him back. I said folding my arms. Otherwise tonight Is a living hell.

How are supposed to do that? The restaurant isn't open right now. It's 10 at night.

Preston, you're a YouTuber a celebrity for some people and your friends with the owners. You can pull alot of strings.

You seriously want, me too abuse my power as a celebrity to retrieve a bear? People asked

Unless you want to stay up all night with hysterical three year old... then

Fine. Preston stood up murmuring. Let's see what can I do.


Preston Pov

As I drove to the night thinking about how ill convince the owners to let me in.


Amazingly, I have been able to convince th owner to let me in.

Thank you very much. I gave the owner a tired smile as I entered the building.

It's not a problem. He returned the grin. You're a celebrity after all.

Yeah and I also feels like a crazy person, I thought as I scanned the chairs.

Are you looking for something? The owner asked,

Hmm... I looked at the Mas quick for a second and  continuing for my search.

I couldn't really tell him that I'm looking for a freaking teddy bear!

Perhaps I can help! The owner offered. What exactly are you looking for.

Well I'm good no need. I smiled as he runs toward a table in order to grab the bear.

Looking at the chair that I hurried to I heard the owner chuckled and commented. Ah.. so that teddy bear was yours! We're trying to figure out who it belongs to.

Err... technically it doesn't belongs to me it's my daughter's and yeah thank you though! And with that I darted out the restaurant completely embarrassed.

Well that was embarrassing.

Brianna Pov

Preston returned home and found Jasmine waiting by the door, her eyes lighten up seeing her favorite toy.

Teddie! She squealed, jumping up and down. Preston smiled knelt down to hand the bear to his daughter.

There ya go my Princess. Preston patted her head. Ready for bed now?
Yesh! Jasmine said as she nod.  Preston hugged her daughter as tig as he can.

Thank you Daddy! She stood up on he tip toes to kiss Preston's nose.

No problem anything for my Princess. Preston kissed the top of head. Let's go upstairs now. She let go of her father then runned towards the stairs. Preston chuckled and followed his little girl, giving me a lovely glance as he passed by me.

Hey Preston? I called when he was half way the stairs. He looked back down at me who has a perfect smart look on my face. He turn in a shock. Cause I was holding nothing but the teddy. I think your forgetting something...

760 words

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