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Preston Pov

"Can you stop wiggling your tooth Leo? It's weird" Ariane asked and Leo closed his mouth embarrassed. I smiled at him and he smiled back. His front tooth was very loose and I think he's trying to get it out. I smiled again as I took a bite of the chicken.


"Dinners great, love" I said as I stood up to fix the twins on their highchairs. "Thanks babe" she replied as looked to the older kids with them leaving a thumbs up and with Leo still wiggling his tooth.
They finished eating dinner a few moments later and were off to bed after a long day. Bri did the dishes as I help the kids dotheir night routine and after that I tuck the twins in bed. "Good Night little ones said as I kissed their little foreheads and now I'm off to the Ariane and bri's helping Leo. After a minutes I tucked Ariane to bed. I slowly walked out and head to our room bri and I decided to watch a movie for a few hours before heading to bed.


Brianna Pov

As we're currently in the middle of the movie I heard Leo yell. "Mom! Dad!" I raced to his room because his scream sounded panicked like he's hurt. "Leo?" I asked and he started to cry. I searched to his room and he wasn't there and I opened the bathroom to see him leaning over the sink. "What is it? What happened" Preston called behind me in a terrified tone. I couldn't help but laugh a little. Leo was leaned over the sink with his tooth in hand. "Oh leo" I smiled as Preston caught his breath Scared from whatever just happened. Leo turned to me with gap in his front. "Mom it's bleeding" He said scared. "You'll be fine" I said kissing his temple, and took the tooth from his hand and told him about the tale of the tooth fairy and he placed it under his pillow and he was off to bed and we continued to watch the movie until we fell asleep. In the morning Leo came running with 5 dollars in his hands. Let's just say we put that their when he's asleep.

375 words.

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