Sweet Babies 6

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3rd Person Pov

Preston peered into the hospital room he had unfortunately become accustomed to were he met his sight that brought him an instant relief

Preston Pov

"Hey bri? You awake."

His wife, who had been fast asleep when he'd last left the room, she was now awake and started to sit up in her bed, As soon I spoken, she peered her head up and beamed up clearly excited that I was back.

"Hey!" he greeted with most intensity that  she never seen me for the last few day. But her face suddenly turned a bit sad/concerned and timidly asked. "Where'd you go?"

"Umm I went to the office to sign some paperworks." I replied.  Before She could asked any further, he pulled a bouquet of peonies out from his back causing her eyes to light up.

"Ohh.. those are beautiful!" She exclaimed

"Yeah just like you." I chuckled which leading bri to blush softly. "I thought they'd make the room less sad and stuff."

"Well, hopefully I won't be in here for much longer."She huffed out, as she watched me walked to her nightstand and placed the flowers in a vase.

"You are looking alot better" I say  Turning away from the flowers smiling at her. It was good to see her energy back which she had been missing for awhile. And you sound alot better too.

"Guess that having extra blood in my body really helped". She quipped although her voice was a little off.

"I think you also look much better than before I mean we can do it again" I smirked

Brianna shrugged it off , knowing exactly knowing what I meant. She looked over her shoulder, that were not from the bed, their standing two plastic bassinets. The first few day for us had been rough, with our newborn daughter in the NICU  and Bri was been too weak to visit her there as often she'd like. Riley had made not that great improvements however and now she was able to be in a regular nursery with intense supervision along with his brother Ryker. It was also meant that Bri can come back to her original room where they're mom was able to hold cuddle both of her babies at once.

So I returned her a happy expression and moved around the bed so I could get closer to the cribs and founding out that they were both asleep,wrapped in their blankets

"I fed them while you're gone" she  whispered

I turned around with a pout in my face "Aw I missed it?"

"Don't worry there'll be alot more feeding, trust me.."

"I know there'll  be but I don't want to miss any of them they're so cute when they eat you know.."

She just laughed back unable to help herself

Brianna Pov

then the nurse came in and tried to bring them back to the nursery once they were done but I asked he if they could stay here and I kinda used Preston for my excused.

"What did you tell her, hmm"

All I said was that you want to see them when you got back from the bathroom I say shrugging my shoulder "Not a lie right?"

"No" Preston admitted with a smirk in his face" but I don't know why you wouldn't just tell her the truth. Why would it be so hard for the to believe that you just don't want to be separated from the kids"

"Um, I think most of the new moms want to take a break whilst they're in the hospital" I replied " I mean after all when we got home you don't get to have that anymore" And I try to remind myself that.. but it just it never works. I still start to panic any time they try to take the twins back to the nursery. I just feel better and safe having them here with me.."

"Yeah probably your right" Preston conceded, moving closer to me and taking a seat on the side of my bed " But you've also been through alot so I understand that you get nervous when your away from them"

"Yeah, because you're my husband and the father of my kids you'll also have that separation anxiety one day" she said as she laughed weakly.

I'm pretty sure anyone else would say I'm crazily overprotective"

"Hey I don't have anything do with that I don't remember being told with such rules like that before we got married"

"You're probably weren't paying attention" she teased back " But trust me it's  a rule"

"Right" I say glancing down at her lap and saw a book " What are you reading?" My question seemed to remind her that she was reading one.

Picking it up, she admitted " I actually have no idea, it's just something I found in the drawer of the nightstand, I'm bored out since this room don't have anything entertaining except the TV."

"So you just reading random books"

"Apparently" Bri muttered, flipped over the last end credits page and closing it up placing it to her side " I didn't want to turn the TV on cause it could potentially wake the babies up, so I needed something quiet to do. Honestly, I just to go home at this point."

"Trust me. I know" I soothed her by placing a hand by her face. "I want the same thing I know I could just go home and leave like you said but I don't want to leave you guys with out any of our family members supervision. But also before we do that let's just make sure that you, and the twins are in the best health possible"

Now Bri returned a pout "But you said I was looking better"

"I did and you do but I'm not a doctor, so waht ever I say don't really stand true sometimes.."

Her eyes slightly narrowed down "What if the doctor doesn't think so. That I look better I mean there can be alot of incident that can happen while im giving birth like.."

"Don't worry, I'm sure he thinks that you feel and look better" I assure her " But there's more to it that just looking better that I would only know considering I still thought you were the most gorgeous woman in the world  while you unconscious which now brings me some uncanny memories that I was also scared at the same time."

She then shot a unimpressed look "Gee, thanks!"

"I just want to let you know that is a compliment"

She scoffed but showed a little smile, indicating that she wasn't really mad. Once the conversation trailed off she looked at the peonies that I bought, taking each petal carefully indicating it Which  I noticed.

"Know why I got you the white ones?" I asked her she slowly turned towards me shaking her head " Because white color in flowers symbolizes pure love & care" And I love you guys so much that I bought you that"

"Aww I love you too Preston" she replied back

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