Naughty Babies

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Riley and Ryker - 6 years old
Another Arsement twins-  kyson, kinsley - 3 years old
Jasmine- 1 ½ month old


Good Girl Jasmine. Go to sleep

As I stroked the newborns cheeks, Preston watched her as her eyes slowly close and drifts to sleep Jasmine had proven to be a well behaved baby so far... but just like any she had her fussy days and today was one of them. She had been crying all day. Much today Preston and i's day are filled with frustration. Not even her teddy her every single day companion can calm her down.

Fortunately, Preston seemed to have found Jasmine's alter ego for her crankiness; her pacifier...

All Preston had to do is make sure the pacifier stays in her mouth, then everything will go silent.


I had to drag everyone out, to go to the grocery store. Knowing if Preston goes grocery it'll come up no good having 4 children I need someone to watch them.

Let's get cookies Daddy! Kinsley excitedly suggested

Ask mommy first. Preston's sighed as he knew I wouldn't allowed them,

Why not Daddy? Everyone loves cookies do you not like how cookies taste? Kinsley ask.

Cause mommy said I can pick anything but no junk food and cookies.. kinda fall on the category. Just wait until she comes back.

Unlike there brothers Kyson and Ryker. The girls love shopping.

Preston.. I called as I walked next to Preston. Holding up a canister of pasta sauce. Does this look the right thing that I bought last week?

How should I know. They all look the same.

But usually they don't taste the same. Maybe the kids won't eat it and I don't wanna waste food.

I  sure it's fine. Preston's eyes rolled, wanting more bed time. As we continue to argue Ryker had a brilliant idea to..

As I continue to bother Preston about the sauce, Ryker stepped away from his dad and looked into Jasmine's stroller. He stared at girl's eyes and the pacifier occupying her.

Are you sure? I asked him one more time..

Bri! For the millionth time, it's fine Sauce is Sauce. Preston groaned.
As we argued a sound of  a high pitch cry filled our ears, making both of us look down.

It was in fact Jasmine who lost her pacifier and was no where to be found

What? Where was that stupid thing go! Preston exclaims smacking hid head the pacifier was a life saver and now it's gone. I couldn't stand Jasmine crying so I picked her up and tried to rock her to sleep.

Preston groaned as he looks into the stroller "it has to be around here somewhere" it didn't appear that that had fallen of cause it wasn't on the ground either.

Oh sweetie don't cry. I hushed her. As I tried to rock her to sleep.

"This is ridiculous" Preston glared at me. Where is it?

I don't know Maybe she spit it out somewhere. I replied as I gently bounced the baby.

But it wasn't on the ground. Preston shook his head. Looking down at Kinsley who was looking around curiously. And Ryker who was no where in sight.

Kinsley, where is your brother?

Which one? She giggled

Your big brother Ryker.

Oh that one, I don't know. She shrugged innocently

A familiar giggles was now being intertwined with Jasmine's cry's
Looking ahead, Preston saw Ryker standing at the end of the aisle, Jasmine's white pacifier held tightly on his hands.

RYKER, Preston yelled in a voice which as to loud for Jasmine's sobs became louder as well, with Preston looking at me rather regretful and tired

I smack the back of Preston head and walked towards Ryker..

Ryker give me back the pacifier. I ruled him sternly.

He smirks and shook his head

"Ryker Kiefer Arsement give it back to me Now"

For once, My angry tone wasn't scaring him a little bit. Instead he raced past me. Right in the direction of Preston. Having enough,  Preston leaned down and tried to grab Ryker but he was too fast.

"Ryker" Preston stormed Get back here you little brat

His demands was met with more wave of laughters

"Why does he have to take after you" I complain handing Jasmine to Preston in order to chase ryker.

"I'm sorry" Preston was distressed as I ran off. After processing the words he realized that...

"Hey, I am not a brat!"

740 words

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