Zombie Invasion 1

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A trip that got delayed because of me being pregnant but when it finally  happened something bad occurs.

Brianna Pov

Bri! Have you packed everything? He comes out of the bathroom and scans the room to ensure that all my bags are kept together so I  don't miss out somethings.

Yes... The guys have been waiting on us for about 15 minutes Preston...
It's bad to keep someone hanging. I said picking up my bag and purse.

And it's bad for you stressing so much. He said as he grabs the bag and the purse from my hand while he hangs his own bag on his shoulder. Come on.

Looking at him I'm aww, indeed I was surprised at how much love and care Preston has showed upon me since he got me pregnant. He's becoming more caring and concerned these past months, perhaps his role, husband is gonna change to daddy soon coming time.


We were all having fun at Chase's van. The radio was blasting with some retro song which was perfect for the trip. It was going on plan minus the trouble I had causing me to pee more often plus nausea.

Ummm... Guys  I- I begun speaking
Need to pee again? Keeley completes my sentence and I nod.
Aww it's okay. Scott ask Chase to stop the van on  a nearby gas station.

Scott looked at her wife and towards me, Bri why does the baby had to pee so much.

Preston has just about to laugh but he accidentally suppresses his eyes to me and sees my horrific expression.

Babe do you want anything to eat? he asked me but in response I said no and looked  outside.

It was already getting dark
We had already reached our destination but in difficult time hardly finding a place to spend the nights.

The van stops by a gas station
Guys go freshen up, I'll ask someone a hotel or a place where we can spend the night.

Bri... Keeley holds my hand come on.

We both entered the bathroom which was situated at the back of the gas station. Weirdly they weren't mush population around but it was better than having to wait in a queue for my turn.

I scanned around seeing how untidy it was Flickering light, tap water dripping unwashed yellow tiles and exposed pipes.

Bri, this place is scaring me. Do you need the flash lights on? Keeley asked as i  was about to turn the knob open, no I'll be good. I said in response.

I was about to to turn the knob open when keeley holds my forearm tightly making me look at her.

She gesture her finger towards her lips kinda saying be quiet as we listen to a weird noise coming from somewhere.

There's some noise coming from this stall. She Whispers

I nod too as also happen to hear some gibberish words.
It was a sound which was eerie, It seemed like a sound of hound devouring its prey.

I gulp and withdraw keeley's grip from my shoulder and pace the door knob.

Bri! What are you up too? Keeley Whispers

I neglected he and begins to turn the knob.

Sh!t I murmur as I soon see a person devouring some one at the back.
The sight was uncanny, it made me want to vomit.
I was lifeless, I couldn't move but only stare.

The man looks over to me as he drops a lifeless soul from his grip.

I saw the face of the creature.
It was pathetic. My heartbeat increases as the man stands and sloppily walked towards me.

I wanted to scream but couldn't.
I wanted to run but couldn't.
All I could feel was the raging heart beat against my chest.

I didn't move until a pair holds me and pulled me out of the stall.
What was that. Keeley said as she runs while still holding my hand.
She keeps looking back on that ugly mutt if it was behind us or not.

Keeley st- stop I can't run

We have to bri please stay with me.

She screams for Scott's name whilst running. We both reach the front of the station and saw the boys eating burger and fries hungrily.

Ke... Keeley. I muttered whilst holding my stomach, that... man He's Following us.

Keeley looks behind and sees the same man... creature following us two with steady fast steps enough to tackle us two down soon.

Fvck he's near us. Keeley shouted as the man approaches near us.

Get inside the van. In the van now!! Keeley screams as she let's go of my hand.

I tried to unlock the van door as it was shut and begun banging it whilst crying out loud.

One of the boys hurriedly open the door for me and keeley to enter inside when we were inside I quickly locked the door.

Bri...? Chase said
Scott start the car! Now. I commanded

Fvck! What's this sh!tfaceu. Preston screams.
Scott start the damn car! Keeley screams.

Ye.. yeah Scott started the car and hurriedly lands it on the highway. The man follows as he paced behind the car til he only appears as a tiny dot on the rear view.


What'd going on guys? Chase asks us.
I was too worn out ot say anything. I leaned my head to Preston's shoulder and he kisses my head trying to calm me down.

I.. we went to a stall earlier and found a man devouring on.. I don't know a corpse.. animals or something then he saw us and started following us. Keeley explains and everyone gives a worrisome look.

Fvck guys. Scott curses while scrolling down through his phone, We are in a big trouble perhaps.

What do you mean? Chase asks.

Umm apparently that man wasn't alive. He's a living death for all of us. He explained further.

What? Preston exclaims.

Apparently this town is infected by some kind of virus called Yellow Rubbela virus. Its kinda like the Rubbella virus but enhanced. As I suppose we're trapped with zombie he says as he shows us all the headline saying exactly what Scott explained.


-Author AstroWriter

Preston & Brianna Imagines/ Scenarios Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora