Please Don't leave Me Part 1

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Warning this chapter is sad..

Preston Pov

I sighed as I cuddled Brianna's blanket wishing it was her. Bri is in the hospital. How? Well... she got an unknown and she's pregnant... the doctor said only time will tell if she and the baby will survive.. the tears ran down on my tears as I stare into nothingness blaming myself for what happened.

2 days later.

I came to the hospital and visited her I saw her awake.. "Bri!" I yelled as I walked in. "Preston.." she said in a weak voice. "A-are you okay is the baby's okay?"  I asked "Yes were fine but the doctor said I need to get to an emergency c- section or else the baby will not make it..." she said sad. "Okay will get through this we'll do anything to make her healthy as possible.. for now let's rest and not think about anything bad.


I opened my eyes and saw I was in a waiting room? Until I heard someone.. "Mr. Arsement?" He questioned. "Yes" I said. "It seems tha-" 
"Is my wife okay?" I sais standing up. He sighed and looked down. "I'm so sorry. We did everything we ca-" He stated but I cut him off.
"No... No..No. this can't be... she can't die" I yelled angry. "I'm sorry sir we did everything we could" He said walking away.

I sat down and put my hands in my face crying. "My world, my best friend, My lover , My world is gone.  She was my everything...


"Babe? Wake up you're dreaming" I hear someone. I slowly opened my eyes and saw she was still alive.. I let out a deep breath and hugged her tightly. "What's wrong are you good?" She asked. "It's nothing babe" I sighed.

Soon the heart rate monitor beeps loudly...

"Bri? Bri? Bri?" I asked as I was pressing the button to call the doctors.

The doctor walks in and. "I'm sorry sir you have to get out the baby's heart rate is dropping we have to get it out.

"PRESTON, No... you have to stay how will I do this without you.." she yelled.


I walked back and forth worrying about her..

Soon the doctor walks out.

"Mr. Arsement?"


"Congratulations it's a Girl " He said as he shook my hand. "And your wife she's now resting on the room you can now go and meet her.

I smiled and ran towards her room and opened the door and saw her cradling the baby..

"Babe!" I yelled.

"Look at her she so beautiful"

"Like you" I say as I touched her little face.

"So what will we name her?" I asked

"Umm. Sorry I kinda already named her cause they kinda need it for the birth certificate..." she chuckled.

"Noo! Why can't you wait for me. Pls tell me you named her the named the I want"

"Don't worry I actually did so her name is.. Amira Skye"

"She so precious" I say as I cradle her as she grips my finger knowing that  I'm her dad.

517 words

So this is the Good Ending for this chapter..

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