Daddy's Girl

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Brianna Pov

"Daddy home soon?" My two almost three year old kid asked.

"I don't know baby, Daddy's busy , let's try sleeping okay?" I asked hoping she'd agree.

"But- but daddy read me book" she said pointing at her little bookshelf.

"Atalia baby, it's almost midnight it's so late and daddy's busy. He's coming home very late. Now go to sleep and we'll see daddy in the morning. Okay?"

"But daddy..." she pouts

"Come on don't you love mommy?"

She smile and ran off to hug me..

"Can I sleep with you? since daddy not hew no one will protect me from monster."

"Haha" I laughed. "No there's no such thing baby those are just some daddy's joke too stay with you." I explained.

"So daddy liar?" She asked

"No baby, daddy just want to see you every time you sleep."
"So can I still sweep with you?" She asked again

"Yes baby, but promise you won't be naughty okay and I'll put you in your bed after you slept okay?"

I placed her down in the middle under the blanket and comforter and laid down She faced me as I hand a warm milk. I could tell she was indeed sleepy but at the same time she wanted to wait for her daddy. Eventually after she finished her milk, she fell asleep.

I went to check my phone and scrolled through insta for a while.. Preston had a very long day at the office continuous meetings until almost late tonight. He had few youtube filmings today. Although all of that things he has been such a great husband and dad. It's such change seeing him become more responsible ever since our girl is here it's not like he isn't responsible but he became more responsible, happier  ever..

"Soon the door unlocked . I heard footsteps coming closer until seeing Preston standing at the door smiles and looked at his favorite girls.."

"I thought your sleeping too" Preston said as he walks towards.

"Well I'm about too but she tried her best to wait for you but fell asleep instead"

"Aww I'm sorry sweetheart" Preston said softly kissing her forehead.

"Okay I'll change to pajamas and bring her to bed, and you go to sleep" He added

He got out of the closet I was still awake. He pick Athalia from bed and carries her to bed.

"Daddy" she mumbles

"I'm here sweetie, got to sleep, well do things in the morning okay? Preston said as he kissed her forehead just like that she went to sleep back at it again..

Preston Pov

I chuckled softly and turned the nightlight on and a quiet lullaby on after that. I made my way back to our room and still see bri asked. I got in bed next to her.

"Thanks babe for taking care of Athalia when  im  or around "

"You don't have to thank me, I'm her mom. Of course I'll take care of her no matter what happens.

"I know I've been busy and stuff but I promise to spend a lot of time for the both of you. I took a whole week off so we can spend sometime together. Where you want to go?" He asked

"No, Honestly why don't we let her pick" he added

I nodded smiling. Athalia would love that.

Let's sleep? He asked as he snuggles.

Goodnight, I love you..

Iloveyoutoo... I mumble

And with the we both fell asleep..

585 words

Should I publish the new book?

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