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Preston as a Mafia Dad

Brianna Pov

I was awake with Amira at home waiting for Preston to go home from his work. I
Wanted Amira to sleep but she has been missing him all day and wanted to wait for him to come how. I was with the maids and one of his trusted men, Chris who stays at home to ensure Amira and I's safety. Speaking of him I haven't seen him since this evening.

"Ma'am should I leave some dinner for Preston?" One of the maid asks

"No just leave it there I'd just reheat if for him you can head home now. Thank you for your service today" I smiled and she bowed making her way back to the kitchen.

I was in the living room with Amira when I heard loud banging noise coming from the main door. My heart raced as maid came out of the kitchen worried.

"Ma'am, you should head in your bedroom, I will call Preston" she said.

"Come too!" I said rushing her into the room.

"Where's Chris? Isn't he around?" I asked as I carried Amira to our bedroom.

"Yes he is but I haven't seen him since" our maid replied

Then Amira started crying When she heard that the banging got louder. I hid her face in my chest as I gently rubbed her back trying to calm her down.

Close your ears darling it's all okay. I say.

As I tried to reach Preston the banging was getting louder and louder. Then all of the sudden Preston responded.

Yes babe? Is there something wrong? Preston asked.

Babe, there's someone at the door and they're banging it really hard... *bang* Oh Gosh they shot the window.

Hide in a room, is Amira with you? IM ON MY WAY! CHASE TURN THE CAR he yelled.

"Stay on the phone baby"

Amira Baby it's okay, please stop crying" I say as I move away from the door hoping that her cry won't be loud for Them to hear.

Daddy" she cried.

Daddy will be home soon baby, we have to stay quiet okay, it'll be okay.. close your eyes darling" I say and hid her face into my arms.

Ma'am, the balcony door" she said pointing to the door which was open.

I quickly made my way to the door suddenly, a man jumped down from ledge. I yelled in shock. Before he was able to do anything, his body dropped to the floor and blood started gushing out. I looked at it in fear as he has been shot in front of me. I heard a man yelling for my name realizing Preston was probably here.

Amira couldn't stop crying. I didn't even realize that I was crying at this point i neglected my self as I trusted to calm my daughter down. The maid helped to close the balcony door and curtains.

Babe? It's okay now im here. I heard Preston and the maid opened the door.

Preston immediately rushed to us who were absolutely scared. Immediately engulfing us both with hugs.

Oh God my babies, I'm so sorry. He said.

Daddy" Amira called as she crashed into Preston's arms.

Inhandr her to him and he immediately engulfed her with hugs and kisses. I took sometime for my self. I just saw someone die shot in front of me. Someone who wants to get us and know how do it. My mind was running and so my breathing and heart. I felt so bad for Amira that she had to go through it too.

Amira started to calm down as Preston rubbed her back. Soon her breathing calm down and Preston knew that she was probably asleep, it was late at night already, plus all of this was probably too juch for her. Also crying tire her out.

Preston went to her room laid her down in her crib he stayed in there for awhile, just reflecting a little. I know he felt guilty for making us go through that situation.

I love you my darling, daddy sorry for making you go through that. He said as he kissed her forehead and leaving the room.

He made his way back to our and saw me trying to calm myself..

Baby.. he said softly before putting him in his grip.

He turned me around and moved my head to his chest. He rubbed my back as I cried into his chest. His heart breaks seeing me in this condition.

I'm sorry darling.. I don't know how they knew about the house.. I had a meeting the rest of the day, well be moving.

After awhile of him just hugging me and calming me down, I finally caught up with my breathing. He pulled my face into his hands and looked at me straight in the eyes.

I will not let this happen again. I promise you never again. I love you and Amira so much. I'm so sorry that this happen. He said.

I love you, I was just scared that I wouldn't be able to see you again.

No, no Don't say that, that'll never happen.

Get some rest now? I'll talk to them, Amira's already asleep don't worry about her anymore.

I laid down as he tucks me in kissing my forehead before leaving the bedroom.


Once he was out, Preston was furious at Chris who was supposed to protect us both.

Where the fvck is Chris?! He yelled.

He's on his way back. Chase replied

Chase Pov

I have never seen Preston this mad in my entire life working with him his usually calm and humble but I know when it comes to his wife and daughter I know no one can stop him to k!ll someone.

Where the fvck was he? Since when he got the permission to leave whenever he wants too? Did he got my consent to leave my wife and daughter ALONE? Preston said angirly.

We'll move to the house upstate near the beach. Prepare and bring your things by tomorrow morning, we'll move out. Preston say and the maids and other staff members nodded.

The door opened and Chris came in with a nervous face.

I'm sorry sir, I was out to-

Shut the fvck up, do you even know what had happen? Preston yelled

Some person broke into the house! Stepped in where bri and Amira was in! You were supposed to be here! Even Amira's nanny did a great job protecting them! Preston yelled.

What? I'm sorry sir. Please this won't happen again! Chris said kneeling.

Did you know that you put my girls life's in danger? Preston asked pulling his gun out.

Did you know if anything bad happen to them? You'd be de@d right away he asked again.


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