𝒯𝒽𝒶𝓃𝓀 𝒴𝑜𝓊

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The End

I'm going to cry...

This story will always hold a special place in my heart and I'm so sad to announce that we have reached the end but don't stress... This isn't the last you will see of Alexandra Marino and maybe it's time to welcome some love into her life... Who knows?

Oh wait... I do ;)

I feel evil.... Lol

If you had read "Unnoticed Sorellina" (The original version of this book) how do you feel about this version? I would love to hear your feed back <3


Does Alexandra forgive her brothers?


Short Answer: Yes and No

Long Answer: Alex always craved affection from her eldest brother, and as the years past she had discovered that she will never get that. Then everything went on with Jasper and she realized he never has and never will have her best interest at heart. She can be civil with him but he is the last person she will voluntarily speak to but she does forgive him. Not for him but rather for herself, and for the closure she deserves. She does not owe him forgiveness and she definitly does not forget everything that went down. She will never have a close bond with him like she does Alessio, Dante, Lucius, Romeo, Matteo, and her parents. So although she forgives him, she doesn't really think of him as family. More like that one family member you only see every 10 years at the family reunion lmfao.

Also she never told anyone about the fact he once hit her... Nor did she tell the full truth of his hatred for her... There's a few reasons behind this...

Alexandra Marino's reason? She was just tired of the drama and wished to push it in the past, that doesn't mean she forgot  and she often avoids being left alone with him, but she doesn't want the conflict in the family.

My reason? The plot dudes... the plot... If Alex tells her parents what happened with Gio then he wouldn't be in the second or third books and I have big plans for him so he needs to be there... sorry XD

If it wasn't for the fact that I actually need him for the plot of the third book then I would have long kicked him out of the story, killed him off? sent him away to some deserted island? fed him to the sharks? I don't know but he would be gone lmao.... unfortunately I need him for a little while longer lmao


Short Answer: Not really

Long Answer: He is the only one that knows Giovanni hit Alex since he witnessed it first hand and he never said anything, she wouldn't be able to fully forgive him until he learns how to stand against his brother but unfortunately he still does whatever Gio tells him to do.

This fact causes her to be distant from him but she's civil when they are in a room together.


Short Answer: Yes.

Long Answer: He never really did anything wrong, he was in his office constantly working a lot but when he was around and noticed something was wrong he said something. He also didn't hover over her after the attempt while still checking in on her which she appreciated, having people hover constantly can actually make you feel worst. She trusts him.

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