Chapter 52

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~a week later~

Everything is normal as usual it's been quiet and the Dickinson's are still in the loose. Kassidy is at the FBI office when Charles and Jughead walk down the stairs.

"Kass, I have a task for you" Charles says and she looks up from her notebook.

"I'm listening" Kassidy says.

"Track down Forsythe" Charles says and Kassidy looks at Jughead.

"For real?" Kassidy asks.

"Open the computer Kassie" Jughead says and she does so. Kassidy spends the night working and Betty calls her.

Incoming call: Betts
"Hey Betty what are you doing up so late?" Kassidy asks.

"Polly almost clawed the face off a nurse at Shady Grove and her name is Betty." Betty says.

"Holy shit. Is the nurse okay? Are you okay?" Kassidy asks.

"No and yes. Polly says she can't remember anything I went to see her not that long ago" Betty says as Kassidy keeps working.

"That is really crazy" Kassidy says.

"Yeah, I'm going to head to bed. I'll call you later" Betty says.

"Love you" Kassidy says before hanging up. She spends the rest of the night into the morning looking for Forsythe and finds him. Kassidy calls Jughead around 9 a.m.

"Hey Kassie any luck?" Jughead asks.

"Yeah I found him. More specifically, the U.S. Postal Service did." Kassidy says.

"Wait, seriously? How?" Jughead asks.

"Evidently, Forsythe has a P.O. box in Seaside. He checks it once a month when he comes in from the forest." Kassidy says looking at her computer.

"Wait, did you say forest?" Jughead asks, Kassidy tells him everything then gets a call from Betty.

Incoming call: Betts
"My mom just tried to kill me" Betty says and Kassidy stands up.

"What? What do you mean?" Kassidy asks.

"She got a phone call, hung up, grabbed a knife, started swinging at me. She didn't stop until I snapped and I'm pretty sure she was hypnotized" Betty says.

"Trigger word. Me and Charles can do a trace" Kassidy says.

"Yes please do that" Betty says and Kassidy goes to Charles. Kassidy explains everything and they begin a trace.

"What'd you find out?" Betty asks.

"Our hunch was right. The calls received by Polly and Alice came from the same place." Kassidy says.

"Shankshaw Prison." Charles says.

"something must have been said on those calls that made Mom and Polly enter a trance-like state that turned them into deranged killers. As if they were hypnotized." Betty says.

"I thought the same thing." Charles says.

"And who do we know that uses auditory cues and hypnotism to control its members?" Kassidy asks.

"The Farm." Charles says.

"Edgar may be dead, but his lovesick lackey Evelyn sure isn't." Kassidy ayS.

"She's in prison." Charles says.

"Any chance that prison is Shankshaw?" Betty asks.

"Worth a shot" Kassidy says, Kassidy gets a text from Archie.

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