Chapter 42

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Kassidy goes with Betty and Veronica to the accident site where Hal's bus exploded. When they pull up Fp walks to the car and the girls get out.

"Mr. Jones, what happened here?" Veronica asks.

"We don't know the answer to that yet. We're working on it." Fp says and Kassidy examines the scene.

"It's him. He's back, the Black Hood." Betty says and Kassidy feels faint.

"Betty's dad was on that bus." Veronica says.

"He was being transferred to Hiram's prison, He's out there, Mr. Jones." Betty says.

"No, no. Betty. No one survived this crash, I'm... I'm sorry." Fp says.

"You know that he's dead? You're positive?" Kassidy asks turning towards him.

"There were five inmates on that bus, one driver, that's six in total, which is... It's the number of heads we've found. DNA tests will confirm it if we can't piece everyone back together." Fp explains and Kassidys breathing gets heavy then Fp walks away.

"We should go." Veronica says.

"He asked for my help with this transfer. He wanted this, Veronica. What if he planned this? What if he escaped? He could still be out there." Betty says with panic.

"He's alive." Kassidy says as they get into the car. Betty drops Veronica off at the Pembrooke so Kassidy and Betty go to the Farm.

"What, have you come to steal more babies, Elizabeth?" Alice asks.

"No, I came to warn you that Dad might be on the loose." Betty says.

"FP already called. There were no survivors." Alice says.

"Well, Dr. Curdle Jr. hasn't identified the bodies yet, so we don't know that." Betty says.

"And this is what I mean about letting go of your past. Stop indulging in these morbid delusions that your serial killer of a father is somehow still alive." Alice says continuing her puzzle.

"Did you get a tattoo?" Kassidy asks looking at the fresh ink of an infinity symbol on her wrist.

"Yes. Edgar asked me to get it. I like to think of it as an engagement ring." Alice says, Kassidy and Betty go to the Pembrooke. Kassidy goes in her closet and grabs her gun before loading it.

"Kassidy what are you doing?" Betty asks.

"Betty I'm sorry but I have a feeling he's alive. I will not be taking any chances." Kassidy says putting the gun in her waistband. The two then get ready for school.

 The two then get ready for school

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