Chapter 20

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~s few days later~

Kassidy is sitting in the room with Cheryl drawing when Sister Woodhouse walks into the room.

"It's time girlie." Sister Woodhouse says and Cheryl leaves the room with her. Kassidy continues drawing after a while Cheryl comes back from movie night.

"How was the movie?" Kassidy asks softly wiping the tears from her own cheeks.

"Horrible. I'm gonna go to sleep, night Kassie." Cheryl says laying down.

"Night Cher" Kassidy says.

~The next day; Sweet Pea's POV~

"You promised us a war. Then you're on stage looking like Buddy Holly, sucking up to the Northside?" Sweet Pea questions, Jughead had all the younger Serpents gather in a classroom.

"We need those votes, Sweet Pea. It's the only way that we can affect any change. Whoever's elected gets a seat on the School Board. That means we're on the inside that means they can't silence us." Jughead says.

"You and the Northside princess you mean?" Fangs asks looking at Betty.

"Wait is that why you guys are pissed? Betty's on our side" Jughead says.

"Yeah, I've helped the Serpents on numerous occasions. I helped find the Pickens statue's head, I got Cheryl to testify in court so Fp, your king could get early parole." Betty says.

"You did all that for your boyfriend. Not the serpents." Sweet Pea says.

"Alright take it down Sweet Pea-" Jughead says but he interrupts.

"What, it's only a matter of time before she bails on us, just like her mother." Sweet Pea says.

"So your objections aren't even about me, they're about my mom-" Betty says but Sweet Pea cuts her off.

"Her legacy, yeah. She's an enemy of the Serpent State taking shots at us in the Register for years, blaming us for crimes we didn't commit. Running with a turncoat's daughter is a slap in the face. And for that reason alone, you're not getting the Serpent vote." Sweet Pea says.

"Is there any update on Kassidy?" Jughead asks.

"She's in a private care facility. Nobody knows where but Toni says Cheryl's missing at a 'boarding school' so she thinks they are together." Fangs says, Jughead sighs.

"How are we going to find her? She's been gone almost a week!" Sweet Pea shouts.

"I-I don't know." Jughead stammers, Sweet Pea storms out the room.

~Kassidy's POV~

"Cheryl? Where are you going?" Kassidy asks as Cheryl puts her shoes on.

"Psychical therapy" Cheryl says before leaving. A meal gets dropped off at Kassidy's room for her but she chooses not to eat it because she feels sick so she continues her drawing. While Cheryl is working in the basement Kassidy decides to continue her Black Hood investigation. After a few hours Cheryl comes back and goes to bed. Kassidy gets taken to a room with Sister Livingston.

Serpent princess (Kassidy x Sweet Pea)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora