Promise -79-

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"Soo.." Lloyd mumbled, sitting next to you, now that the fire was nice and large. "Are you okay Y/n..?"

You glanced up at him frowning, turning away. "I'm fine, it's you that's not."

"What do you even mean by that?" He asked, his brow creasing.

You turned to face him, "'What do you mean by that?' What I mean is that you've been so distant ever since Shintaro, and especially now. I thought, 'ya'know? Cool trip to save my boyfriend's family, we'll have so much fun!' But it hasn't. You have barely been talking to me this entire time, taking every small instance to either zone out or talk to Pixal about battle plans!"

He reached up to wipe the now streaming tears of your cheek, but you pushed his hand away.

"I'm allowed to cry! Kai tried to say you knew what you were doing, and I tried to believed him, I tried! If you wanted to break up with me, or whatever, you could've just talked to me instead of just ignoring me!"

Lloyd's mouth gaped open, as he stared at you.

"What?! Just fucking say it!"

He turned his entire body to face you, and grabbed your hands tight. "Y/n. I wouldn't dream of breaking up with you. Look at me. I'm not breaking up with you. I love you too much to let you go. Honestly, I think it's crazy you thought that, 'cause I have been planning the opposite for months now."

You sniffled, staring up at him, "...What..?"

"Yeah.. Wait- here.." Lloyd stood up, pulling you to your feet as well.

You pursed your lips, confused to what was happening, but a small bubble of hope flourished in your chest.

"Y/n. Ever since I met you in the middle of New Ninjago City, I've thought you were the most beautiful, amazing, courageous person I had ever seen. Heck, you were a random civilian who had only met the Ninja the same day and you were helping save everyone, before you even had powers. I fell for you the moment I laid my eyes on you. Back then, I was the Golden Ninja, and you were just this amazing person helping people out, nobody would've imagined how being alongside you, changed me for the better. We both started off as kids, cast away, onto the streets, but we've grown so much since then, helping each other form a strong bond. Kissing you for the first time, made me feel so happy, and it just felt right. I only stayed a part of the team because of your words, asking -no- pleading me to keep the team together, and I did, just like I promised to you. When I had lost you, I didn't know what to do with myself, the team had so many adventures without you, but I never could've gone back to normal without you. I would rather not bring her up now- but even though I might've fallen for Harumi by mistake, I fell for you harder, and I knew I loved you, no mistake. These recent years since you've been back from the First Realm, have been the best in my entire life. My life wouldn't necessarily be meaningless without you, but I would have no meaning to love anything. You make my day brighter, and I would love to spend forever with you. I planned, for once we saved Wu and my mother, that I was going to take you to the highest peak of this island, and ask you while the sun set... But I don't think it really matters now." He cleared his throat, kneeling down.

"Y/n L/n, will you be my Yang?" Lloyd asked, pulling out a small, shining disc out of his pocket.

Your lip trembled, as your legs lowered you down to his level. You profusely nodded, wrapped your arms around him, nodding, and sobbing into his shoulder. How could you have thought he was going to break up with you? Those 'attack plans' were him going over this plan with Pixal, his zoning out was planning to make it perfect for you. Why couldn't you have just caught on sooner? "I'm so fucking stupid." You mumbled, half a laugh, half a sob into his Gi.

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