#34 -19-

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Been a solid minute since I last wrote in here. Since the last time, I've figured out how to make a water purifier using a slab of a rock and a rock bowl. I've also learned that large birds come around if you leave out food, so I leave out dead lizards and then hunt the birds. It's stable enough of a food source.

My hair is now much shorter and doesn't get as much sand in it. Obviously the dragons did not work out, one of them managed to give me a nasty bruise which made it hard to walk for awhile, but I managed. 

I miss everyone. I keep fidgeting with the piece of Lloyd's Gi wrapped around as a bracelet, as if he was about to grab my hand. It hurts, but I still have hope of returning to them.

Honestly, now that I've been here for just under a month or so, I've gotten used to it. A large piece of driftwood appeared on the shore earlier this morning which was the reason I started writing again. I'm hoping I could build a small hut to sleep in, dust storms hurt a lot if you don't have protection.

Not being careless is the reason I'm still alive. I've made sure my little shore area is out of view of Dragon Hunter patrols. I only go out of my safe-zone whenever I know patrols won't be out, like sunrise and sunset. 

I've been practicing my powers and I have started to be able to bond and break bonds of materials much faster and at a much higher rate that before. But working on my powers also meant I had the first bad feeling in awhile, and I knew it was about Lloyd, what had happened to him? It almost felt like he was reaching out for help. 

I'm sorry if this entry hasn't been much help, I'm basically documenting my feelings at this point, I think it's almost therapeutic for me.


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