She was there, but now she is lost -17-

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Ever since Chen had taken control of the airwaves, it was silent. Between the noises of Zane driving the empty noodle truck, and you anxiously tapping your foot, it seemed like the whole world was watching.

You got another headache, and it seemed like somehow, Zane did as well. Looking at each other, you both nodded as Zane turned onto a detour road.

Staring off onto the distance of the sandy desert, you thought about somehow, anyhow you could help turn the tides of the war.

You felt a tap on your shoulder and realized Zane had already parked, it felt like you guys had gotten there way too soon.

As you pressed the symboled button, you groaned in resentment towards Chen. Why did you guys never seem to get a break?

Walking down the steps, Zane smiled, "Maybe this is a good thing, maybe we will find an even better solution then we would've before."

With a shrug, you got to the final step and walked out into the main room. You somberly nodded to Neuro before walking over to Lloyd.

He tightly squeezed you, he seemed just as worried as you. Hugging him back, you sighed, "I want this to just be over."

Lloyd nodded before letting you go, he seemed slightly better now.

The rest of the Elemental Masters entered through the staircase. They started to disperse as Wu handed you a cup of tea. You gladly drank it and started sipping the warm drink.

Wu then handed one to Misako, but it seemed like they were both ignoring Garmadon.

Garmadon awkwardly slid over near the both of you and groaned.

Placing his hand on his father's shoulder, Lloyd rised his eyebrow, "He knows about the letter?" What letter?

"The message was delivered." He shook his head in disappointment.

You leaned to Lloyd, "What happened..?" 

He groaned, "My dad stole a love letter from Wu to my Mom and said that he wrote it instead and just a bunch of other dumb stuff." You could see why he was so tense now.

Turner coughed from the middle of the room, "So..why were we asked here? We should be fighting snakes, not cooping up having a teaparty."

"Because anyone can fight," Wu announced from beside you, "only one side can declare victory."

You began to say something, but Nya spoke first, "In the time it took you to get here, Chen has taken over tbe entire Eastern seaboard and is moving inland. With each village and town destroyed, they grow stronger." 

She pointed to the map behind her with blinking red dots, they were moving scarily fast.

Karlof sighed, "That is a lot of red. Karlof not like red."

Kai seemed offended by his statement.

Gravis shook his head, "How are we supposed to stop them? Most of us have lost control of our dragons, not to mention we're outnumbered 10 to one."

"Actually 62.4 to on-" Zane began speaking before realizing it was not the best time to say.

Lloyd scoffed, but he was nervous, "Look, I'm scared just like the rest of you. It may look like we've lost, but it's not over. When we though we lost Zane, it nearly tore us apart. But we didn't quit, we let it fuel us. We grew stronger."

Damn, he was good at speeches.

Wu huffed, "We still have hope. The Corridor of Elders."

Shade raised an eyebrow, "Corridor of Elders? Like a hallway of old people?"

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