City Built of Ivory -68-

792 29 76

"It's my day off. Why wouldn't I be playing video games?" Cole grumbled in response to Lloyd's question.

He rolled his eyes, placing the laundry bin down. "We've been gone for weeks, Cole, and this Monastery won't clean itself! We've got laundry to do, leaves to rake, firewood to chop, and don't even get me started on repairing the sentry cannons outside the wall."

"Oh actually!" You began, leaning over the couch."I did the firewood so you can take that off the list."

Lloyd sighed, with a begrudging nod. He pulled out a checklist, crossing out a chore.

Cole rolled his eyes. "That sounds like a lot of work. Sure you don't wanna play? Y/n declined. Said this game gave them 'trauma' or something."

Looking over to the tv, Lloyd squinted. "What game is this..?"

"Prime Empire."

Lloyd's eyes widened. "What?"

Glued to the screen, Cole didn't glance away. "What 'what'?"

"Oh, nothing. Except we were just trapped inside that game, got violently killed multiple times and then got cubed!"

Cole glanced to you and back, you frowned to him. "I think you need to let go of the past, Lloyd. Anyway, it's totally safe. Unagami and Dyer worked out the kinks and it's really fun. I gotta concentrate. Just about to beat this level.."

You rolled your eyes, "He's been 'beating this level' for hours. He keeps dying."

Considering it, Lloyd brushed Cole's empty cola cans away and sat on the couch, grabbing a controller. "I guess one game wouldn't hurt..."

He was such a nerd, but he was your nerd.


It took an hour in total, and now you were helping Lloyd look for Wu. Nya and Jay had asked you to do so after they noticed Wu acting weird. Didn't he act weird all the time though?

"Master Wu?" He asked. Looked like he had found him. "Is everything okay? Nya and Jay said you seemed a little... Distracted.

The older man glanced back. "What? Oh, no. I'm fine. Just reading a scroll."

You peered over his shoulder at his desk. "You haven't even unrolled it. And that's Zane's chicken noodle soup recipe. You were staring out the window." This was not the 'normal' Wu weirdness.

"I've noticed it too Wu. You haven't been yourself. Are you sure nothing's bothering you?"

You looked over to see Misako at the door. "Oh! Hi Mrs. Garmadon!" It was nice to see her again.

Lloyd walked over and hugged her before she walked over to Wu. "What is the problem now?"

He sighed, his gaze flickering between the 3 of you. "Perhaps I'm just... How should I put it? Feeling my age a little bit."

Scrunching his nose, Lloyd scoffed. "Your age? But, Master, that's ridiculous! You don't look a day over a hundred!"

You nudged him, trying to tell him it wasn't helping.

"What? That's not old!" He waved his arm, brushing it off. "And besides, you're the most skilled fighter I've ever seen! You know more about Spinjitzu than the rest of us put together! You fought us all at once and kicked our butts! Remember that?"

Wu smiled a bit. "Yes. Yes, I do. That was fun."

You smiled, attempting to help. "We would've never saved Ninjago this many times without your help, Master Wu."

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