Because it's adding to her exhaust -16-

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"Chen and his Anacondrai Army have a days start on us. Be prepared and eady for anything and everything."

How did Lloyd get so good at leading? You rubbed the translucent neck of your dragon before looking forwards. The city skyline had begun to fade into view.

Kai groaned, "How did we loose so much time?"

Below you, on Zane's ice dragon, sat Darreth. "You know, you took an oath never to leave a man behind."

Jay sighed, "And we're not all quick learners. Mastering your fear to create Elemental Dragons take time."

Sitting behind Jay, Nya seemed worried, "Well, we're running out of that. There's Ninjago City. Hurry."

Above you, Turner laughed, "Hurry's my middle name." Griffin Hurry Turner? You were decently sure it wasn't his name, but then again Elemental Masters had no clue how to name kids. 

He zoomed forward as you all flew into the city.

Your dragon swayed side to side as it dodged buildings, it would be best not to crash at a time like this.

"Remember, whatever happens down there, we have to stay together, we're stronger united. We fight as one." Lloyd announced. You looked over and saw him looking at you. You smiled as Jay burst your eardrums beside you by yelling cheers.

Everyone guided their dragons to land on various rooftops and the people of Ninjago seemed confident in everyone.

That was until a mother spotted Skylar and started screaming.

You landed on a rooftop and rubbed your dragon as it disappeared. Sliding down the side of the building, you sighed as you met up with Lloyd, Kai, and the 2 turned serpentine.

Garmadon huffed, "If we're the first ones they've seen,  where's Chen and why hasn't he attacked?"

Lloyd turned around to Skylar, "We have to get you and my father off the streets before we alarm everyone." He then raised his voice. "Everyone else, stick together! And watch over the people!"

You sighed, watching the dragons all fly off as you rested your head on Lloyd's shoulder, "I'm so incredibly tired right now." 

He rubbed your hand, "It'll all be over soon. I hope. Has the headache gotten any better?" 

Shaking your head, you groaned, "it keeps building, something must be about to happen."

"Well, let's get going to the Samurai X cave. It'll be nice to see my mom and Wu after all this time."

You nodded, summoning your dragon again before flying off behind the rest of the Ninja.


The door to the cave opened and you were all greeted by the screeching of Zane's Falcon. "And hello to you, my old friend." The titanium ninja greeted his bird with a laugh.

Wu turned around and sighed in relief, "You're all back. I- Zane- look at you. You're all shiny." 

Misako sighed, "Lloyd, welcome back, but where's your father?"

The rest of the group parted to let Garmadon through, "It's me, Misako."

She gasped, you could understand her shock. If Lloyd had been turned into a purple snake you would've been concerned as well.

"Don't worry, we have reason to believe the spell may be wearing off." Skylar reassured everyone.

Kai sighed, "But if that's true, it only makes Chen more desperate to act now. Everyone, this is Skylar, Chen's daughter. The Elemental Master of Amber."

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