She within herself -4-

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Groaning as you waved bugs away from your face, you followed along through the jungle, trying to not step on whatever was underfoot.

Lloyd pushed some tall bushes away as you continued forward.  "How anyone got through this jungle is beyond me." 

"Hiroshi's Labyrinth. Legend says no one has ever escaped it's deadly maze, except for Hiroshi himself."

You groaned, "If no one else has ever escaped, why are we going in? I think I asked this before but aren't we you know, not going to escape?"

Garmadon chuckled, "the maze is no match for Lloyd's powers, we probably won't get lost. This is the perfect place to hide from the Overlord's grasp."

Lloyd frowned, "Of course, hiding. That's all I ever seen to do." He said kicking the dirt from under his foot.

"Your Golden Power only strengthens his cause. We must not lose sight." Garmadon stated, turning to continue walking.

"But I miss my friends, Y/n is here but what about the other Ninja? What good is being all powerful if I can't ever have any fun?"

You gave a small smile, Lloyd already considered you one of his friends, it was sad he had to be here because of his own power.

Garmadon sighed, "The Golden Power needs to be protected, honored. Evil forces will seek it, try to take it for their own. It seduces. Even your friends may one day covet it."

Douchebag much Garmadon?

Lloyd furred his brows, "My friends would never hurt me." He said in defense.

You realized how awkward it was just standing there listening to their bickering, but you just stayed quiet.

"He who holds the power has a tremendous obligation. You must be prepared to handle this journey alone. Even without me one day." Garmadon said his hand on Lloyd's shoulder.

Lloyd look down in acceptance, "Yeah I know."

Garmadon started walking again, "keep your chin up, son, you too Y/n. Legend also states there is a jewel inside the maze, the most beautiful oasis no one has ever seen before. Perhaps we will be the first."

You all continued forward trying to not be buried in the vast overgrowth of the maze.

"Hey Y/n, how have you been coping with all that has been happening?" Garmadon said back to you. 

You made a shrugging noise, "I mean I've been beat up a bunch, tired out, discovered I have Elemental powers, learned that my father was an Elemental Master. I also got evicted the night I first met the Ninja. So it's been a lot, but I think I'm fine." 

Lloyd laughed, "well at least you're optimistic about it. The other Ninja are still pissed about not having their powers, makes me feel guilty sometimes, but they seem ok with it."

You nodded, "Oh yeah I guess I-" The ground gave out beneath you causing you to fall into a deep hole. You caught your hand on a tree root and yelled in panic.

Lloyd and Garmadon looked back to see you dangling by your hand and rushed to grab you. "Y/n, grab my hand." You could hear one of them yelling at you. 

You hoisted your other arm up as you could feel your hand cramping. Lloyd grabbed your arm and started pulling you up. You placed your feet on the side of the hole and started to climb up with the help of Lloyd.  You sighed as you got to the top and basically sprawled out on the floor.

"Thank you," you muttered to Lloyd out of breath.

He nodded before grabbing your hand and helping you stand up, "we better get going to the uh- the jewel thingies."

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