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You looked over your shoulder, frowning. The Skull Sorcerer had locked the team in a giant swinging cage, and continued the slavery of the Geckles and Munce.

Nya had been trying to pick the lock for the last hour, but it still hadn't opened. She tried using her powers, but the vengestone prevented her from doing so.

"Nya." Kai muttered. He looked horrible, eye bags galore, he looked exhausted. Not knowing if Cole was even alright probably had a toll on him. "It's no use. Give up."

Groaning, she kicked the bars, slightly wincing. "The Munce had faith in me, and now look at them. Right back where they were. In chains. I can't believe we were gullible enough to trust the Skull Sorcerer."

A small scoff escaped your lips, "Hey, it says gullible on the ceiling." You brought your legs up to your chest, sinking your chin into them.

The entire team glanced up, confused. Yep, definitely gullible.

"I'm probably going down as the worst Chancellor on Geckle history." Kai chuckled, putting his head in his hands.

Zane sighed, watching the creatures slave away, "I do not see that we had any choice."

The cage went silent before Jay spoke up. "He's right. If we hadn't surrendered, he would have destroyed all of them."

You lifted your head, "At least they're still alive, maybe there's hope."

Lloyd had been unusually quiet. He sat cross-legged, shoulder pressed against the bars as he gazed out to the Munce and Geckles.

"Lloyd. It's not your fault." You assured him, reaching for his hand. As you grazed it, he flinched, taking his hand back. "You're the leader. You thought you made a good call and you probably did. Even if it was a mistake, that all happens to us."

His emerald eyes flickered to you, "That's the thing. I'm the Green Ninja, I'm the leader. I can't make mistakes, even if we get out of here, who knows what mistakes I could make next?"

You glanced down, at the mines. "Whatever mistakes you make, we'll be there together. you, me, the entire team has your back as well. You just have to hope that you can fix them."

"Such a sweet sentiment." The Skull Sorcerer laughed, flying slightly above the cage. "However, there is no hope. I have decided a demonstration is needed to show my true power over this mountain.

Kai walked to the bars, he looked like he wasn't even comprehending what was going on. "What kind of demonstration..?"

The Sorcerer laughed, "For too long, the Geckles and Munce has resisted my rule. But when they witness your destruction, when all hope is lost, they will submit."

The stupid pea looking skull was repeating words, it was annoying. Why did villains always have annoying voices?

Jay frowned, rocking slightly, "What are you gonna do to us?"

"You will perish at the talons of Grief-Bringer!"  And of course, the Skull repeated him.

Nya sighed, glancing from the Skull Sorcerer to his Skull, "This is getting annoying."

With a scoff, you pointed to them both, "I'm not sure who to look at."

"I'm looking at the Skull, it's not as ugly." Jay joked, but there was a small quiver in his voice.

"SILENCE!" The winged sorcerer yelled, the Skull throwing itself against the cage, which limply swung. "Enjoy your final moments of levity." And so, he started to fly away.

Zane stood up, throwing a pebble at the hat of the Skull Sorcerer. "You are perhaps forgetting a factor. Cole. He is still out there, and I am willing to assume he has already found King Vangelis and they're imminent arrival is soon to happen."

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