Endings are never really endings, only new beginnings. -34-

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The group solemnly stepped into the doors on the monastery, with sullen looks covering each face.

"What is it?" Wu, now in a new outfit, questioned all of you. 

Nya took a quivering breath, "Cole- it's- he-"

Kai sighed, "He fell into the darkness..."

You glanced at the ground, fidgeting with the green cloth around your wrist. Maybe your thoughts should've been on Cole, but your main question was when you and Lloyd were going to talk about what happened, or just talk at all. Neither of you talked since the fight, and it felt strange.

Wu's face fell to the ground, "I..I see. And- and the Realm Crystal?" 

Lloyd glanced to the ground, it looked like he felt guilty, "We destroyed it, but it didn't stop them. 

Misako glanced around the group anxiously, "What do we do now?" 

"Luckily, you have me." Garmadon announced, walking through the doors, holding the Golden Armor. Misako lightly gasped, but Garmadon just rolled his eyes, "The old me would have said something heartfelt, and sweet. But I am no longer that man." Harsh. "Wu. Wipe that gloomy look off your face, and do something with this."

Wu caught the armor and he only looked slightly concerned to why Garmadon had it.

Nya stepped forward, she seemed slightly better from before. "If we melt it down and reforge the Weapons of Spinjitzu, we might still have a chance..."

Wu nodded, "Prepare the forge." 

"Guess I'd better get to it huh?" Kai muttered.

Nya grabbed his arm, "Kai. Your the Master of Fire. You can do this. "

He nodded, "yeah..yeah..How hard can it be?"



You and Lloyd had both escaped up to the rooftop to talk, though you both were too scared to start a conversation. 

"I'm sorry. For getting mad at you and everything- I guess after all this time I've just- I dunno, gotten used to being alone?" Lloyd started off.

You nodded, "I'm sorry for getting upset at you and everything, it's not your fault about me leaving and it's not your fault for moving on. I was gone for 2 years, that's 24 months." You laid back, staring at the sky.

Lloyd laid beside you, sighing, "No, I should've- I don't know- not believed you were gone for good. You're Y/n, you're one of the most hardworking people I know. I should've expected you to come back someday. In any other life you could've had, you would've tried your best to get back."

Smiling, you chuckled, "You know? Maybe in some other life we're soulmates."

He paused. 

"Why can't we be in this one?"

You rolled to face him. "What?" 

Your voice was barley above a whisper, refusing to be louder.

He shrugged, "I mean- is there anything stopping us now? Sure the Oni..but we'll best them like we have every villain before. And once we're done with that, is there any reason we can't be you know- together?" 

"Well- that's true.." a small smile appeared on your face, "Lloyd Garmadon, if neither of us die today, I will take up your offer and be your- I don't know..- girlfriend sounds tacky-"

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