Regicide and how to get framed for it -85-

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"Nya- Nya? Nya, come in." Pixal continued asking the static, hoping Nya could hear her. "Nya?"

You were sat in the corner of the bridge, a blanket wrapped around you and a cup of boiling water around your hands. The heating had been off for awhile, and your insulated Gi only did so much.

Lloyd stepped up to the console, his eyes darting across the screen. "How much air supply do they have?" How much did you have?

"At this depth? One hour."

Well shit.

Jay threw his hands in the air, panicking. "one hour?! We have to help them! We have to get this sub fixed and go after them." He paused, looking defeated and frustrated. "I'm gonna zap the battery."

Shaking his head, Zane sighed. "That would be exceedingly dangerous. The engine room is partially flooded. Even if you could survive it, a charge of that magnitude would be fatal."

"We don't have a choice!"

Leaping from her chair, Pixal rushed over and grabbed Jay's arm. "Perhaps we do. There is a small chance I can reroute power from life support and auxiliary. But I do not know if it will be enough to jump-start the battery.

You shivered slightly, causing Lloyd to crouch down by you. He sighed, turning to Pix. "It's not like we have anything to lose."

"My head is still spinning." You mumbled, leaning on Lloyd's crouched leg. You never usually had consequences like this for having a Vision Dream, but the lack of heat or constant oxygen supplies probably didn't help.

Pix was laying under the console, messing with wires, she had tried how many times at this point? "Zane, try again."

"Rerouting power... Now." He tapped the screen, and it sparked. And then the lights turned off. "Well, we have used the last of our main power and are now on reserves."

A red light flickered on, allowing you to see only the shadowy figures of everyone. "There's gotta be something else we can try." You pleaded, glancing around the room.

For never really thinking about it, drowning seemed really terrifying. Having your lungs fill as the little air is ripped away from you, your breathing coming to a stop. The small amount of light fading away as you struggle and squirm to no avail. Fuck, why did you think such dark thoughts?

"While you guys are thinking, I'll go um..." Jay began, heading for the door, " go down and get the oxygen tanks!"

Zane nodded, glancing to the screen before whipping his head back round. "Oxygen tanks? Are those not up here..?"

Lloyd's breath hitched as he looked to the doorway. "He's going to try and recharge the battery."

And so, you started running. You grabbed an oxygen tank, slipped on your hood, and bit on your mouthpiece as you leapt into the water following after the others.

The other 3 lead the way to the engine room, but the door was blocked from the other side.

"JAY! DONT DO IT!" Zane yelled, pulling on the door.

You pushed through, trying to force your way in as well. Your hand got shocked, as the lights began to flicker.

The lights turned on and the water drained. Lloyd got to the door, pulling on it, but no use. He leaned his head onto the fogged window, punching the door. "Jay-" he sobbed, obviously trying to not start crying.

Rubbing your hand on his back, you could feel your own eyes prick with tears. It was quiet, too quiet. Until it wasn't. You heard the shrill scrap of a piece of metal against the door.

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