And be the key to his destiny -30-

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The dragons stopped spinning and as you focused back on your vision, you saw the bright blue sky of Ninjago. You were home. Glancing down, Ninjago City seemed empty and broken, what had even happened? 

Wu yelled at all of you to 'break away' and dodge... a giant stone beast. "What the fuck.." you mumbled under your breath. No one mentioned that had existed. 

You all gathered back up as everyone started to panic over the destruction of the city. Glancing down, there seemed to be sirens and people screaming everywhere. Also there was a large influx of motorbikes for some reason.

From beside you, Kai's yelled over the flapping to everyone. "Let's just hope our friends are okay."

A glitched voice appeared on the collar of your Gi. "You- coming in- and clear- brother!" Even though it was hard to make out, that was Nya's voice. They were -at least she was- alive.

"Nya! Oh you're all right!" Jay smiled through sobs of relief.

Her voice glitched again as you pulled the broken comm up to your ear, after all these years, it was a miracle it still had any signal. "Oh- don't know- we could use- little help-" 

Zane made a weird noise before looking back to the group, "I've located their transmission."

Wu nodded, telling Zane to lead the way before all of the dragons swooped down to the city.

A bunch of guys in white face paint ran back, terrified from the dragons before Zane's froze them all over.

"The Ninja are back!" Darreth seemed the same, he was obviously very overjoyed. As much as he got on your nerves sometimes, it was nice to have him back. 

The rest of the dragons started using their Elemental Powers to attack the guys in motorcyclist clothing. So they were the bad guys. Or maybe they just held a grudge against motorcyclists. Rude.

Firstbourne landed first, as your dragon swooped around, landing behind the rest. 

Walking forwards, everyone was embracing each other in very tight hugs. Seemed like Jay and Nya had gotten together after all. It was good she finally had made a choice, it was driving you insane. 

You awkwardly stepped forward as everyone started to let go. "Uhm....hey-hey?" You muttered, loud enough for them to hear. 

Everyone stepped back and then you saw him again. Nya looked about the same, but she had a longer haircut now and her mole above her mouth had gotten slightly bigger.  But Lloyd? Holy fuck he had changed. He now had longer pale-blond hair, still in his signature green color, but he looked more comfortable and relaxed in it.

"Y/n?" He mumbled, his lip slightly trembling.

You picked at your neck nodding, had you changed as much as him? What if he changed and doesn't like you even as a friend anymore? What if-?

Your worries drifted away as he embraced you in a tight, silent hug. You squeezed back, your eyes immediately starting to tear up, and it just felt so good to be home, especially with him. "I thought I lost you."

He pulled back still holding onto your forearms. "I- you're- you're alive?! But- but how?! I thought you got pulled into the portal to the cursed realm and- and I didn't see you there when I went- and-" 

You softly chuckled, nodding, "Let's just say, Arcturus was not very precise about where the portal ended up. A little sand can keep me away for 2 or so years, but not forever."  You paused, eyebrows furred, "Also you went to the cursed realm? What- what happened?! I heard you got possessed and a girl brought your dad back- and- what- have you been doing since I got back?! What- why are your eyes grey? Weren't they green before?"

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